1 hr ago Candace Owens: Have we yet received any explanation for why the US embassy in Kiev removed the fact sheets pertaining to their biological labs in Ukraine from their website?—Why did our department of defense fund them and what does “permit for working with pathogens” mean?
Candace Owens is NOT suicidal!
In the past week:
-Deputy defense secretary and deep state hack Victoria Nuland admitted on Monday this week that we have several biolabs in Ukraine.
-The World Health Organization urged the Ukraine government two days ago to destroy those biolabs so that “pathogens don’t leak out”.
-And now as reported by C.O., the U.S. Embassy in Kiev just removed “fact sheets” about U.S. biolabs in Ukraine from their website yesterday.
I've noticed several "mainstream" articles about today's news (Russia urging the UN security council to meet about these bioweapon labs this Friday) that make NO mention of the first two items.
It seems as though these tyrannical imbeciles are actually trying to put the genie back in the bottle.