Shared a fascinating video made by a Russian beekeeper which was posted on here recently with my local natural beekeeping group. Got an immediate response of:
Absolutely fascinating – and the beekeeper is from St Petersburg, so they’re not all like Putin.
Asked why was Putin mentioned and why was everything politicised? Ended by saying I was sick of wokist virtue signaling.
Expect to be ostracised or even excluded. Challenged one member over Climate Change a while back and he exploded in a rage and stormed off. Wondering if the rest of the group will go silent or respond. If they do, I will give them chapter and verse.
So wish this would all end.
The guy who runs the group sent me a private email saying it was probably intended as humour and not to get upset. Since then a woman commented that SHE was not offended; I wanted to say right you triple jabbed mask wearing dope, now you are virtue signaling. I restrained myself. Ugh.