posted ago by DonSpectacularis ago by DonSpectacularis +33 / -1

...for getting rid of COVID-FUCKING-19 OVERNIGHT! Like seriously, ZERO news outlets covering it anymore, ZERO people fighting over masks, ZERO people remembering that they been locked down in their houses for the last 2 FULL FUCKING YEARS, ZERO people realizing that they just got jabbed (and had their KIDS jabbed) for something that's now... gone?

I gotta tell you this. As much as I'd thought I'd known normies and NPCs for this LONG, even I was shocked to see just how very INSTANTANEOUSLY they all just...moved on. Like, the FUCK? Is THIS what a well executed MKULTRA societal programming / brainwashing / hypnosis / deep sleep-ening / zombie-fication operation even looks like?

Scary. And I'm so NOT exaggerating things here.