Depends on the state. I know in FL, if there is feds in town they’ll generally send FHP or the Sheriffs Office alongside feds just as general back up.
As a cop, what made sense to me is that Highway Patrol and the SO stayed on the porch while the feds spoke to the dude, because us low level LE aren’t readily in the know about anything going on in the federal government and are prohibited from stuff like that. But then again, if this guy really has prior LE experience he’d know that and know how to drum up a fake story.
Depends on the state. I know in FL, if there is feds in town they’ll generally send FHP or the Sheriffs Office alongside feds just as general back up.
As a cop, what made sense to me is that Highway Patrol and the SO stayed on the porch while the feds spoke to the dude, because us low level LE aren’t readily in the know about anything going on in the federal government and are prohibited from stuff like that. But then again, if this guy really has prior LE experience he’d know that and know how to drum up a fake story.
I assisted plenty of fed knock and talks too. It's the talk part of this that gives me red flags. Doesn't make sense.
And why would he ask who the president is? Bullshit
Thank you for this insight.