RiseUp murals for inner city youth looks awfully NWO to me
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Looks familiar. It's very similar to the WW2 NAZI propaganda poster for Hollerith cards used on IBM machines to run the holocaust. https://imgs.search.brave.com/PP7suPaW8luTOTAT-jf8qKkMeY9ERTrSUK3WeZ__PS8/rs:fit:294:409:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9haHJw/Lm9yZy93cC1jb250/ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMv/MjAxNS8wOC9JQk0t/SG9sbGVyaXRoLVBv/c3Rlcl9TZWUtRXZl/cnl0aGluZy13aXRo/LUhvbGxlcml0aC1w/dW5jaC1jYXJkcy5q/cGc
It also is reminiscent of the murals in the Denver International Airport.
That would be a good thing to place right next to the city mural.
yes. Teach them a lesson in history.
Thank you for this!