Sunday Funnies
If you think Kamala Harris is one of the great orators of our time, you need the Sunday Funnies.
When my family ran our dog resort, the dogs when we were only half full produced nearly a thirty gallon trash can per day. That’s alot of poo a month which went into the trash that the county told us to send to the landfill. Why not use another natural resource for something useful rather than landfills. How wasteful is that! And I’m not a tree hugger, but spam mail, medical, insurance companies and other companies that waste zillions in sending individual packets filled with a bunch of papers in several separate envelopes for a single notice of whatever it is should be the ones responsible for stopping wasting trees that hold everything together with good root systems so as to keep hillsides in tact that construction companies think us a wise idea to have clear cut so they end of with mudslides that kill 56 people like Oso. Sorry, bunny trails happen to be my thing.