29 Who do we think is really running the Oval Office? (media.communities.win) posted 3 years ago by patriot68 3 years ago by patriot68 +29 / -0 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You know it's not Harris.
And it certainly isn't Brandon.
Who's calling the shots? Schumer and Pelosi?
Agreed, both Brandon and Harris aren't smart enough to tie their shoes. Pelosi is either mentally impaired (being kind) or a drunk.
I don't who or what is running the oval office, but they need to be executed for treason.
My vote is, Valerie Jarrett. She was behind the curtain pulling Obozo's strings. I'll bet she's back there now.
I have not seen many videos of Harris before she was installed as VP, but I didn't notice any cackling back then. Is that new for her?
That's quite plausible. I notice the both of them are staying well out of the spotlight.
Obozo said himself he would like a 3rd term with a front man (to take the blame.)
Oh my the resemblance is amazingly accurate.