Accepting the law of identity is a requirement of avoiding sin. X is X, Y is Y, etc. Anything demonic originates from a rejection of this simple principle and is the reason why the devil loves to make humans reject the law of identity. There is no better way to utterly destroy humanity than to mock God's creation by making people believe men are women and women are men. This is why transgenderism is pushed so hard. As soon as one embraces the idea, that person has quite literally rejected God and invited demons into their lives.
Accepting the law of identity is a requirement of avoiding sin. X is X, Y is Y, etc. Anything demonic originates from a rejection of this simple principle and is the reason why the devil loves to make humans reject the law of identity. There is no better way to utterly destroy humanity than to mock God's creation by making people believe men are women and women are men. This is why transgenderism is pushed so hard. As soon as one embraces the idea, that person has quite literally rejected God and invited demons into their lives.