Answer: No, God is in complete control. It is an amazing time to be alive. There will be much turbulence ahead (especially for Christians) but I am glad to have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. No one can take that away from me. I look forward to His soon return and an eternity with Him.
The scripture my friend is clear and evil is the correct word. If we say God isn't Sovereign and in complete control then to do a screw up like that, then we can't trust him that this won't happen again.
God created his first two kids a man, then from the man the woman was conceived. They had the perfect play area then God allowed a poisonous snake into their play area.
It is not my right as his creation to defy what he said just because I want to see him vulnerable like me.
God is not evil but by creating Satan he created evil. He also foreknew this would happen.
It's all according to his plan just like his Son manifesting into the flesh and covering our sin on the cross.
Lucifer does not do God's will. The theif cometh not but for to kill and to steal and to destroy, but I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. Wher the heck yiu come up with that?
God doesn't kill he gives life more abundantly to those who believe. Sonwhen Satan who kills does it he isn't doing God's will. Foolishness.
Meaning he's all powerful, all knowing and all present.
Follow the logic. There is nothing God is not in control of. This is all his grand plan. God could turn Lucifer into a poptart if he wanted to. Satan doesn't do a dang thing that God doesn't know he's going to do or allow him to do.
He's absolutely doing God's will if you realize that God is all powerful and all knowing.
Answer: No, God is in complete control. It is an amazing time to be alive. There will be much turbulence ahead (especially for Christians) but I am glad to have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. No one can take that away from me. I look forward to His soon return and an eternity with Him.
Amen my friend. I'll be right there with you.
Complete control? He controls what He says hHe controls. There is no automatic immunity, You have to believe his promises
Our lord and savior is Jesus Christ who, son of God, died on the cross for all mankind's sins, then arose from the dead.
God is all powerful and in control. Satan is just a tool of God. There is nothing Lucifer does that is not Gods will.
Repent and rejoice. We may all be sinners, but only the elite who wish to subjugate mankind and rule over us as Gods are the wicked.
Very well said.
Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
God didn't create evil only allows for free will which lucifer used to be against God.
Youbguys better learn to rightly divide the word.
The scripture my friend is clear and evil is the correct word. If we say God isn't Sovereign and in complete control then to do a screw up like that, then we can't trust him that this won't happen again. God created his first two kids a man, then from the man the woman was conceived. They had the perfect play area then God allowed a poisonous snake into their play area. It is not my right as his creation to defy what he said just because I want to see him vulnerable like me. God is not evil but by creating Satan he created evil. He also foreknew this would happen. It's all according to his plan just like his Son manifesting into the flesh and covering our sin on the cross.
Lucifer does not do God's will. The theif cometh not but for to kill and to steal and to destroy, but I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. Wher the heck yiu come up with that?
God doesn't kill he gives life more abundantly to those who believe. Sonwhen Satan who kills does it he isn't doing God's will. Foolishness.
God is omnipotent omniscient, and omnipresent.
Meaning he's all powerful, all knowing and all present.
Follow the logic. There is nothing God is not in control of. This is all his grand plan. God could turn Lucifer into a poptart if he wanted to. Satan doesn't do a dang thing that God doesn't know he's going to do or allow him to do.
He's absolutely doing God's will if you realize that God is all powerful and all knowing.
All things are possible with the Lord. Amen
More Than Conquerors 31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Nothing too hard for you Dad.
I don't know who would downvote this, but thank you. I needed this today.
Wouldn't the god of all flesh be Satan, the god of this world where we live in flesh?