They may have inside help true. But taking the Island will be a bloody experience nonetheless. Doubtful they’d be able to pull off something to the effect of Ukraine.
Given it’s rather public knowledge even in the alternative spheres how well reunification with their cousins worked out for Hong Kong. Meaning there’s probably going to be more then a little legitimate opposition from the population. Not to mention any Military Forces not on board with the whole “Inside help” thing.
As I said a Violent takeover stands just as much chance of being used to eliminate elements on either side who either aren’t loyal to Xi/White Hat Taiwan Army or just are otherwise opposed to reunification for various reasons.
Brutal tactics. But it’s not particularly out of character for Chinese or Asian history come to think of it.
They may have inside help true. But taking the Island will be a bloody experience nonetheless. Doubtful they’d be able to pull off something to the effect of Ukraine.
Given it’s rather public knowledge even in the alternative spheres how well reunification with their cousins worked out for Hong Kong. Meaning there’s probably going to be more then a little legitimate opposition from the population. Not to mention any Military Forces not on board with the whole “Inside help” thing.
As I said a Violent takeover stands just as much chance of being used to eliminate elements on either side who either aren’t loyal to Xi/White Hat Taiwan Army or just are otherwise opposed to reunification for various reasons.
Brutal tactics. But it’s not particularly out of character for Chinese or Asian history come to think of it.