fren, that link is explosive, bc it implicates Pelosi too. Would you consider making one of your thoughtful and well researched threads including that link?
I think there would have been a revolt if they would ha e dealt with it whole Trump was in office, especially after all the rave baiting Obummer did while in office and all the racial stuff during Trumps term. His fake birth place is the least of his problems.
Fraud vitiates everything.
Nancy Pelosi was responsible for vetting Obama.
She submitted a fraudulent document to Congress.
"When the truth finally gets out and Obama goes down for eligibility, good ol’ Nancy babe is in BIG trouble."
Trump was one of the original birthers.
Do you think this treason was not dealt with after Trump took office?
Get ready for the big reveal.
Its coming.
fren, that link is explosive, bc it implicates Pelosi too. Would you consider making one of your thoughtful and well researched threads including that link?
This is what I think, too.
I think there would have been a revolt if they would ha e dealt with it whole Trump was in office, especially after all the rave baiting Obummer did while in office and all the racial stuff during Trumps term. His fake birth place is the least of his problems.