Nobody could criticize you for that. Of all the worthwhile things you could do, voting for Trump has to be near the top. I'm in no position to judge others--I have no job to potentially lose. I gave up a whole lot 7 years ago in order to be free. We're off-grid and self-reliant, aside from food (working on it), so we can close the gate on our road and say goodbye to the outside world for at least 12 months. Very comforting to have that in my back pocket.
Nobody could criticize you for that. Of all the worthwhile things you could do, voting for Trump has to be near the top. I'm in no position to judge others--I have no job to potentially lose. I gave up a whole lot 7 years ago in order to be free. We're off-grid and self-reliant, aside from food (working on it), so we can close the gate on our road and say goodbye to the outside world for at least 12 months. Very comforting to have that in my back pocket.