In trading the rule is, never play against the news, however, in general, if the MSM is telling you what to believe, you can bet the opposite is invariably true.
I used to date a girl who worked for a local news station as a producer. They decided that they would run a story about how dirty the inside of your washing machine (that area under the lid where pubes and other weird looking shit collects).
They teased the story for like a week in ads, even before the lab test results were in.."wait til you find out how much bacteria is lurking in your washing machine", etc.
Funny thing is, the test results came back completely clean. Apparently the soap kills all the bacteria and the gunk, while it looks gross, is completely harmless.
Unfortunately they had advertised the segment so much that they had to run it, despite the test results not supporting the appropriate amount of doom. They looked pretty fuckin stupid and my ex girlfriend was pissed.
Make no mistake, these people have meetings every morning to try to figure out a way to create drama, even if its fake or incorrect. COVID has been a fucking goldmine to them and they absolutely do not want it to end.
A good time to buy puts contracts, me thinks.
In trading the rule is, never play against the news, however, in general, if the MSM is telling you what to believe, you can bet the opposite is invariably true.
Yes they are looking for bag holders to sell to before it tanks.
Quick story:
I used to date a girl who worked for a local news station as a producer. They decided that they would run a story about how dirty the inside of your washing machine (that area under the lid where pubes and other weird looking shit collects).
They teased the story for like a week in ads, even before the lab test results were in.."wait til you find out how much bacteria is lurking in your washing machine", etc.
Funny thing is, the test results came back completely clean. Apparently the soap kills all the bacteria and the gunk, while it looks gross, is completely harmless.
Unfortunately they had advertised the segment so much that they had to run it, despite the test results not supporting the appropriate amount of doom. They looked pretty fuckin stupid and my ex girlfriend was pissed.
Make no mistake, these people have meetings every morning to try to figure out a way to create drama, even if its fake or incorrect. COVID has been a fucking goldmine to them and they absolutely do not want it to end.