If a study wants to find correlation, they will find it.
The study itself has so many holes in it, it really isn’t worth the time and effort to pursue this line of thinking/reasoning.
It’s better to consider what we do know and dig into first principles before forming all sorts of conjecture …
Has it been proven that the so called ‘Jews’ (per u/Pretty_Baby assertion) are less susceptible to the broad range of Flu diseases?
How do you define ‘White’ race, exactly? How can you prove that someone is White (per some definition prior)?
And lastly, what of the metabolic health of said population? … the majority of Americans are sick due to horrendous dietary ‘advice’, the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) full of sugars and chemicals.
u/Pretty_Baby is grasping at straws on this ‘Covid is a race-specific bio-weapon’ theory - at best it’s an interesting conspiracy theory, at worst it distracts people from the GA movement.
If a study wants to find correlation, they will find it.
The study itself has so many holes in it, it really isn’t worth the time and effort to pursue this line of thinking/reasoning.
It’s better to consider what we do know and dig into first principles before forming all sorts of conjecture …
Has it been proven that the so called ‘Jews’ (per u/Pretty_Baby assertion) are less susceptible to the broad range of Flu diseases?
How do you define ‘White’ race, exactly? How can you prove that someone is White (per some definition prior)?
And lastly, what of the metabolic health of said population? … the majority of Americans are sick due to horrendous dietary ‘advice’, the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) full of sugars and chemicals.
u/Pretty_Baby is grasping at straws on this ‘Covid is a race-specific bio-weapon’ theory - at best it’s an interesting conspiracy theory, at worst it distracts people from the GA movement.
'"the majority of Americans are sick due to horrendous dietary ‘advice’, the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) full of sugars and chemicals."