Ever since I learned about ivermectin over a year ago I've made sure to stay stocked up, but also purchased others like HCQ and fenbendazole. I make sure to now take vitamin D and zinc supplements every day.
Most applications that i see for ivermectin, HCQ, fenbendazole are for various ailments ranging from flu, cold, covid, or cancer. I myself I have used ivermectin successfully once when having the flu and the most recent where my severe allergies were coming close to causing an upper respiratory infection. In each case ivermection put me on the fast track to good health usually within 1-2 days. It has led me to wonder like some here on this site if many of our common infections are due to parasites rather than viruses.
My main question is, for a normal healthy individual, how often should one take a course of these meds? I do not think this is something one should be using on a daily basis. Since these medications are anti-parasitic, it leads me to what a routine schedule of deworming cats/dogs/horses. It's usually advised to deworm cats/dogs about every 3 months, and horses about every 6 months. There is no such schedule for deworming humans. Would it be reasonable that someone should probably take these meds about every 6 months?
Honestly: NEVER. You should never live a life that would expose you to parasites let alone encourage their growth.
If you have to take anti-parasiticals, you are doing something very, very wrong, whether it is environmental factors or just plain old malnourishment.
Source: I raise animals. If we have to use anti-parasiticals, it's because the animal is in bad shape and we haven't been feeding it proper nutrients or keeping it in one spot for too long. An animal we have to treat is an animal we will get rid of at our earliest convenience.
So: Don't eat your poop and pee. Wash your hands. Eat healthy foods and make sure you are getting all the vitamins you need from natural sources (IE, food instead of pills.)