Just read about Juicy getting out and thought to myself, How perfect! (do thoughts get quotes? I didn't say it........)
Double sided crook. Get you to act out and they can hold you under the law. Get you to comply, and demand more laws to be put in place when they take down the dude they got to act out......
Self serving in every way.
They rob the widow's homes.
Jesus said to keep the commandants of God and even forged a new covenant under maintaining the sabbath.
Jesus did away with the laws of man not the Laws of God!
Gentiles are ingrafted into the covenent. The only Sabbath we must keep is daily everyday always. WE ARE NOT JEWS> please study the bible to see this truth
Rest everyday? The Son hath Returned already?
I do not recall Jesus telling us that every day was the sabbath. I remember him saying that we shouldn't fast while the bridegroom is with the bridal party and that when two or more are gathered together in his name he is there and when he is there the kingdom is at hand. But nothing about everyday being the sabbath.
You should rest. Pick a day to spend the entire day and night in worship with God. But legalism says, you have to do it sunday or saturday. Grace says just pick a day. Its what you do in secret, in private, alone with God that matters. God knows the heart. The heart of man is Wicked unless he is covered by the blood. You make it seem if someone does not keep the sabbath he will not enter heaven. this is not true. It is not of works. it is of Grace If you are Born again the blood of Jesus is enough. Adding sacriments and rules to follow makes salvation something you have to work for,
I do not mean to make it sound as though anyone is going to hell but those that have added to the word and confused his fellow man. The Father has allowed them ample time, even now, to repent and stop their sinful lives. Rest is completely necessary, and the legalism you speak of is largely to blame why people do not get enough. I enjoy using a set day, reminds me to keep it. One of the few places organization helps me, though I do still often forget but I do also enjoy quite a bit of rest from the old life under the rule of man.
I apologize for being a stickler, but I have seen language used in nefarious ways and The legal people are also largely to blame. It is written that every knee will bow and every tongue confess, so I am not too concerned with trying to convert anyone. The Truth is all that matters.
You speak a lot of truth so I only addressed places I was concerned with.
He said “keep my commandments” he who keeps my commandments hath the father if you love me keep my commandments
If Jesus were God in the Flesh then the 10 commandants would be his commandants. The sabbath being one that Jesus said to be sure to keep! He added two more to the 10, though you are right that they could easily be summed up into love.
no disrespect but, I feel you need to study the word of God a little more. Context is key Research the prophecies about Christ then study peter, paul, john, and james. Remember, Mark and Luke did not witness the life of Christ. They were deciples of John and Paul The sabbath is Saturday but fir the Gentiles The sabbath is every moment of every day Christ fulfilled the JEWISH law We are not Jews yet We are the Elect of God how can that be if the Jews are Gods Chosen People? There was an ingraphting that happened. Christ came to his own and his own received him not. The jews rejected jesus. They wanted to kill anyone that preached his name. He was a threat to their power. just the same as we are living right now. christianinty is a threat to the powers that be because we believe in freedom and the opposition believes in control and power the same as the religious leaders of jesus' day The Law has been Finished. We are not under The Luvitical Law We are under Grace. The Blood of Christ is enough It is all we need If we are covered by his blood the law dosnt matter it is in our heart and on our mind, Legalism is a big problem in the church Paul was the best ever at explaining this. please study his writings I am an originalist and a fundamentalist when it comes to the church. I follow the original church Catholocism and Pentacostlaism has Ruined the Teachings Of our Savior They are false Proprcies that Christ warned us about, Please Follow me on my channel and I will be doing a deep dive into the origins of the church and the break offs that have come after. Pastor Kristoffer On YT Please subscribe. Much love anon. I mean the best I promise.
Jews? We are not Jews yet?
My guy.... What?
Israel is the Title that matters, not Jew and Gentile. Abraham was Hebrew anyway. Abraham, or one of his sons was bestowed the title Israel from God. Israel means wrestles with God. Abraham was found to be good by the Father for keeping the Father close to him always. Someone once had the idea that it wasn't God that tempted Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac, that it was Lucifer that charged the task being that he could appear as an angel of Light. God seeing that Abraham's Faith was so Great that he was willing to kill his son if that is what God wanted him to do so God intervened and blessed Abraham for his Faith. Anyway, back to jews and what have you... Israel WAS a title based by blood from one bloodline. The descendants eventually turned their backs on God and Christ Jesus came to get them back in line. While Christ Jesus walked the earth he met a gentile woman that hit him with some heavy faith and that, I think anyway, is when Christ Jesus decided to allow any that would follow him. Christ Jesus says that those that follow him are to be called Israel.
Jew v.s. Gentile died the day Christ was born.