Just read about Juicy getting out and thought to myself, How perfect! (do thoughts get quotes? I didn't say it........)
Double sided crook. Get you to act out and they can hold you under the law. Get you to comply, and demand more laws to be put in place when they take down the dude they got to act out......
Self serving in every way.
They rob the widow's homes.
Oh but there is a special place in hell for those who have perverted the gospel Benny hinn types and Joel osteen telling you its all about living in the flesh as great as you can and how God wants you to be satisfied in the flesh. Puke........... Thank you for being a stickler. I have to strengthen my account I have to be ready to give an account I must be instant in season as well as OUT OF SEASON I thank you Would you listen please and if you like it will you subscribe to my channel and help me grow my reach? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuf48J9PiDz6nW6XiKo_s3Q This was my last sermon behind a pulpit https://soundcloud.com/jason-brown-818870436/should-christians-make-new-years-resolutions I will be preaching next sunday and I have a Powerful feeling in my heart. The spirit will guide and I will Preach what Thus sayeth the Lord
I do not have a youtube account to like and subscribe to your channel but I have liked what I have seen so far. His word is creation itself! They'll come.