Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen." -The Lords Prayer-
Please join us at 8pm eastern DAILY for 1 min of prayer
This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend
PRAYER WARRIORS AND CHILDREN OF LIGHT: We have created a server on Guilded.gg to unite prayer warriors and grow together thru Christ with prayer and fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. Hope to see you there. https://www.guilded.gg/r/zzMlvAGQYR?i=dVBr5RRd
We are now on Telegram check us out: https://t.me/+_KI9eLV6jvwzZGNh
God Bless you Patriot. Let me share my last sermon with you. I will be preaching again next Sunday and will be glad to share a link. https://soundcloud.com/jason-brown-818870436/should-christians-make-new-years-resolutions?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Wow I love this. Yes please keep sharing them I would love to hear more.
Thank you. I am humbled. Would you please subscribe to my channel and share it?
Yes give me a little bit and i will sign up and subscribe. So what church is this from? How big is the church? Are you a head pastor or what is your role there?
Christway Baptist Church I am not the pastor,' I am ordained but am not currently pastoring a church I plan on building an online church that will come with me when I am called by a church that the Holy Spirit Leads me to shepherd. I have been a member of this church for over 5 years At one point I was the Associate pastor but stepped down to focus on my children and personal issues within my family we are a fundamental Baptist Church and We tell it like the Cow licked the Calf I dont buy into all of this worldly christianity that we are seeing taking over our society We just built a new Building 3 years ago that can seat up to 500 but because we preach the truth and most people dont like hearing it, just as they would kick jesus out today, they come and go we have only about 75 members I am Currently The sound and Video Tech of the church, my responsibilities range from Online to sound and production. Nothing I want any praise for, I do what I do for the Kingdom. Right now my main focus is Family. I have 3 young boys who I hope will grow to be fierce advocates for the Gospel and Growing my online church that I just started this week. I have an associates from a small local baptist college in manners and customs. I plan on raising money to further my education because I shall rightly divide the Truth. That way I will never be ashamed.
P.S. Thank you for asking. Wish I could have met you in person and had this convo. You made my day.
Bless the Lord OHHHHHH my soul. Thanks