I'm following a Telegram account Intel Slava Z which has been aggregating social media and news reports from the Russians and the Ukrainians. It has helped to clear some of the fog of war for me. It's not all fun and games and chirping birds in countryside and Ukrainian forces have all but lost at this point. Time isn't on their side.
Any footage from Ukraine that doesn't fit my narrative is fake. I don't believe any of it. As far as I'm concerned it's a bright and sunny day there. (minus the elites, who Putin is quickly getting rid of)
I'm following a Telegram account Intel Slava Z which has been aggregating social media and news reports from the Russians and the Ukrainians. It has helped to clear some of the fog of war for me. It's not all fun and games and chirping birds in countryside and Ukrainian forces have all but lost at this point. Time isn't on their side.
There are these live cams from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2u5fLSoKTg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlhxljmLHJ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgCl1GNRFQc I have yet to see any war activities on them.
My opinion when it comes to Russia / Ukraine combat is let the normies watch the movie.
Easier to wake people up with Covid data right now. Don't forget we have years and documentation out now showing we were lied to.
Does anyone know if Russia bombing Mariupol Theater is fake or have information that it was the AZOV Battalion? If you do, please verify with sauce!
Thank you to all
Any footage from Ukraine that doesn't fit my narrative is fake. I don't believe any of it. As far as I'm concerned it's a bright and sunny day there. (minus the elites, who Putin is quickly getting rid of)