SuddenRealization 1 point ago +1 / -0

And his claim about what Biden will do at the DNC? Was that true?

SuddenRealization 7 points ago +7 / -0

It looks like these links only work when you're logged in.

However you should be able to see them here if you scroll down https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

SuddenRealization 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will be more than glad to see Trump do good. Time will tell.

SuddenRealization 1 point ago +1 / -0

X has premium which pays out to users based on views and engagement.

SuddenRealization 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm wary of Elon for multiple reasons. In q posts he is highlighted as working on missile tech. His push for neuralink and pervasive robotics make me inherently suspicious even if someone has good intentions.

His recent move to supporting Trump may be an honest change of having strings cut.

I support Trump and have investments in TMTG. Do I fully trust Trump? No. He has background in Kabbalah and ideas I would not describe as Christian. Am I voting for him? 100% yes. Time will tell whether he is legit or a tool of "order out of chaos." So far I see him protected by God and working to do good.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +7 / -5

This +++ account often pushes masonic (and imo satanic) messaging like the law of attraction.

SuddenRealization 6 points ago +8 / -2

Agree 100%. I do not understand why people highlight opinions from accounts like this.

I will say this account is reposted often by Greg Philips which makes me wary of Greg.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough - I'll edit my post to note it's unclear at this point

SuddenRealization 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the "don't trust Elon" response for me is reactionary to so many people who both on here and on X sing his praises and suck up to him like some kind of conservative free speech messiah. Meanwhile other platforms like Truth Social, Rumble, Odyssey, Bitchute were doing it before.

The fact that he's openly paying people and they don't see the conflict of interest in defending him is disturbing.

Disclosure: I own DJT and RUM stock so maybe that's making me salty too.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm thought he said this was the first event USSS CS snipers were even deployed to which is crazy.

SuddenRealization 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dan Bongino has already confirmed that the counter sniper in the infamous slope photos is not the one who took out the shooter (and it's unclear whether that sniper was USSS). No evidence of a second shooter to my knowledge as of yet.

SuddenRealization 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Truly I tell you these words not to chastise you, but ultimately so that you may seek Him."

Do not be double minded. Which is it? Am I valid in pursuing only Jesus or not? Are you chastising me or not? You certainly seem to be.

Jesus is not Vishnu. He never was and he never will be. Jesus said preach the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and nation. I cling to the word of God, not the word of man. If you believed in Christ as he explains Himself to be, you would know that He is sufficient.

Study the Shatkona and the star of lucifierians. Realize the deception you are under.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

You do not hear what I am saying. Otherwise you would see the truth. Hinduism / Buddhism preach many of the same exact lies that the devil propagates in other religions.

Acknowledge the symbolism, wake up.

2 Corinthians 3:17 has nothing to do with what I said. God is spirit. He was also man in the form of Jesus Christ.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

God is of order, not chaos. Truth, not confusion.

Satan and his masonic cult believe in order out of chaos. So above as below. They use the same symbols (star of "david", seal of "solomon", Shatkona, pagan star, luciferian star, order of the eastern star) because Satan is NOT CREATIVE. He is a wicked deceiver! He is happy as long as you follow ANYTHING but the one true God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


We speak to you because you are already condemned without Jesus. He is the ONLY way. He came to Earth to die for you. For your redemption. He said as such in plain speech! Recorded for you to read.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean this in the nicest way possible, it cannot "penetrate clearly" and "cannot be comprehended."

Seek Jesus and live. All else is shifting sand.

SuddenRealization 1 point ago +1 / -0

I briefly saw this survey but the results didn't seem to pass the smell test (40%~ of those surveyed and who voted are non citizens!?). Any thoughts?

Rasmussen I generally find trustworthy.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Come on man. She came out of the woods carrying torches. You know I have hairy legs that turn blond in the sun. Like George Floyd. When he died he said 'I can't breathe.' We can't let those words die with him. We must not turn away, we can't turn away. What are we doing? It's not a joke!"

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

Purim is in the book of Esther, chapter 9.

It's not primarily a celebration of conquest and this is clearly not the "main costume."

That said I personally find how modern Jews celebrate the holiday to be unforgiving and kind of mean spirited.

SuddenRealization 2 points ago +2 / -0

This post is all over the place and parts of it are nonsense.

It suggests that Azure was "taken down" by a foreign actor but also that there was "an intrusion." Well which is it? Can't steal the model while the environments are down and zero evidence given to suggest an intrusion.

Then an update goes out to "track exfiltrated data." They already have access logs. Unless this means somehow baiting the foreign actor to download a "phone home" executable/virus to track them...but based on this post they were "worried it was already done" because they "didn't have the model themselves." It's contradictory.

Cloud storage has backups. The foreign actor would have had to delete those as well.

Then Crowdstrike pushed out a "driver update" ? Drivers would have nothing to do with the process of tracking data!

Not saying they haven't used AI models to release Joe Biden video previously. But please be careful.

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