I am wondering if the programs such as UNICEF, World Central Kitchen, and Amnesty international will be dismantled once the truth comes out that these funds never really go to the causes we think we are supporting. I used to donate to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. believing I was helping out. I know many who have woken up and have stopped being conned, but then when you read small town articles such as this, begging for money, it makes me hope people are through B.S.
My guess is, every major charitable foundation needs to be dismantled, because at the very least they use it as tax havens, and most of them are probably much worse.
All money gets laundered back into Cabal puppets.
I am wondering if the programs such as UNICEF, World Central Kitchen, and Amnesty international will be dismantled once the truth comes out that these funds never really go to the causes we think we are supporting. I used to donate to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. believing I was helping out. I know many who have woken up and have stopped being conned, but then when you read small town articles such as this, begging for money, it makes me hope people are through B.S.
My guess is, every major charitable foundation needs to be dismantled, because at the very least they use it as tax havens, and most of them are probably much worse.