Sincere question: Would Q qualify as a biblical false prophet?
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The biblical question is over control of who/what God is, and how that is described and served. Not simple predictions of what might happen in the news.
Q isn't trying to control one's definition or worship of God. The church does that.
And will be judged accordingly. It's going to be Biblical.
Q symbol means "Divine Inspiration".
This is what determines true from false prophet. Anyone make predictions about the future/past based on his beliefs that didn't happen? That's a false prophet.
A prophet's worth is shown by it coming true. Modern preachers guessing at stories handed to them that they can't truly decode.
They don't get stoned to death as is prescribed by the bible, and so people seem to forget or not care when it's wrong. The goalpost is constantly moved in the attempt to make it work.
Most of the examples of prophesy come from outsiders to the priesthood, upbraiding the church for its evil ways, masquerading as servants of God. Elisha and Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus were all examples of this.
The bible divides the story about each time this has happened into individual 'books' to drop a big hint that it happens as a recurring cycle.
When men can't make their own covenent with the one true god, they turn to priests who always become a corrupt controlling class.
Men give their duty to them instead, and become seekers after smooth things and sheep who are easily controlled.
One then finds the Riddle of the Sphinx presented to the strong man who has made covenant, which is why he is strong, and who then has to bring down the house to find the honey hidden in the corpse of the dead lion.
Saving Israel for last.
Let he who has ears, hear.