I don’t understand this Nazi Ukraine thing. WTF is a Nazi nowadays anyway? To me a Nazi was the paramilitary party that wanted to purge the Jews from Germany back in the ‘40s.
That definition has been extended neo-nazis who want to purge American of all the black and brown people. There is no epidemic of neo-nazis in America but the media characterizes anything that is “white” as white-supremacist aka neo-nazi.
How the fuck do you end up with Azov… a Nazi battalion in Ukraine? Isn’t President Zelenskyy Jewish? How does that work?
Nazis in Ukraine? Does the Ukraine have Jewish problem or black population problem? Who are the Nazis trying to purge when their whole population is white?
I thought liberals hated white people and nazis? Why would the support a country full of white people and nazis?
Why would Putin say that he is attacking the Nazis? If so, then Putin is protecting Jews and Blacks from evil Nazis. I don’t understand any of this shit.
Has anyone figured this out?
Highly highly recommend this video compilation as a starting point. Even just the first 10 minutes was very informative at explaining the Nazi situation in 2014. Quite surprised it hasn't been removed from YouTube yet