This exactly. What have they put in our bodies without our knowledge besides what we already know? Do I have a fucking alien in my belly from our water supply? Or a tracking system trying to control my brain? Because if so I'm running to a hospital to get it removed as soon as I know what "it" is. Lol.
Conversely maybe we need something added back into us to fix the shit they did to us without our knowledge.
I don't know if I could trust a hospital after these past two years or anyone to be honest.
I think there's shit that will horrify even us. We make up more than 1%.
Not that we weren't horrified & traumatized by what we've already learned... but.... I'm afraid it's much worse than we could imagine.
God Bless the ones that know Everything and keep them under your protection and Grace
This is the correct answer. Anyone claiming they know, do not.
This exactly. What have they put in our bodies without our knowledge besides what we already know? Do I have a fucking alien in my belly from our water supply? Or a tracking system trying to control my brain? Because if so I'm running to a hospital to get it removed as soon as I know what "it" is. Lol.
Conversely maybe we need something added back into us to fix the shit they did to us without our knowledge.
I don't know if I could trust a hospital after these past two years or anyone to be honest.