So Crackpipe Jr has this laptop that has all kinds of embarrassing/incriminating/illegal stuff on it. Now, hes worth conservatively what, a few mil? Maybe $10m+? And this is a few year old macbook that he could replace and just backup everything from the cloud? He decides to take it to a random computer repair place ... and forgets about it?
And computer repair guy decides to look at it and sees all this debauchery. Then decides not to give it to local PD, not to the FBI, not to DOJ, but Rudy?
Just seems like a lot of things seemed to go just right to have it appear in public domain. Also see daughter Bidet's diary, very similar situation.
Your theory is very flawed. Why would he leave/forget his laptop? This simplest answer is. When you have FU money like the Bidens do, you don’t really care about a puny laptop. For him, it’s like driving across town to pick up a candy bar. Doesn’t make sense. He probably ordered a new one, realized he was able to recover his cloud data to the new laptop, and carried on with life, while willingly ignoring the shop owners calls because he didn’t care about the laptop and probably not realizing that the shop owner had rights to the laptop and information on it after a certain amount of time. Random shop? as opposed to a not so random shop? The guy probably had good reviews or a good turn around time. And the guy decides to look at it after 90 or so days, that laptop would be considered abandoned. A friend of mine had a computer repair shop once. It was recommended to report illegal content unless you obviously don’t see it. Why did he not turn it into the FBI, but rather to Rudy? if you actually read into this whole thing, you’d realize that he DID turn it in to the FBI and the FBI just sat on it. At which point, since nothing was being done, he turned it into Rudy since that iron was hot. I probably would’ve done the same since criminals deserve to go to jail.
That being said, all these “coincidental” circumstances do not surprise me
Valid points, but it just seems ... like too much went perfectly right
It does, but, as you know, in the real world, things just happen the way they do. I don’t think these actions were premeditated. I think they just played out the way they played out. Keep in mind, hunter was probably high, and it’s not his first time slipping up publicly. Remember the hot mic situation? He’s pretty reckless.