posted ago by MuckeyDuck ago by MuckeyDuck +21 / -0

Boyd’s Definition of the Art of Success:

Shape or influence the moral-mental-physical atmosphere that we are part of, live in and feed upon, so that we not only magnify our inner spirit and strength, but also influence potential adversaries and current adversaries as well as the uncommitted so that they are drawn toward our philosophy and are empathetic toward our success; Yet be able to Morally-mentally-physically isolate adversaries from their allies and outside support as well as isolate them from one another, in order to: magnify their internal friction, produce paralysis, bring about their collapse; and/or bring about change in their political/economic/social philosophy so they can no longer inhibit our vitality and growth.

Boyd says about the Moral level in the Moral, Mental, and Physical Dimensions of Conflict:

Moral represents the cultural codes of conduct or standards of behavior that constrain, as well as sustain and focus, our emotional/intellectual responses.

Morally our adversaries isolate themselves when they visibly improve their wellbeing to the detriment of others (allies, the uncommitted), by violating codes of conduct or behavior patterns that they profess to uphold or others expect them to uphold.

Morally we interact with others by avoiding mismatches between what we say we are what we are and the world we have to deal with, as well as by abiding by those other cultural codes or standards we are expected to uphold.

The moral side of conflict is the rules and principles we live by. The laws that govern our actions and that most agree are the standard. This is also based on cultural differences and past experiences and can be thought of very differently based on our different cultures, experiences and our perception of the world we live in. This fact shows itself through how we handle ourselves ethically, and within the laws set by society.

In an effort to understand Boyd’s theories surrounding conflict and getting the competitive edge you must understand the moral, mental and physical dimensions of conflict and how they interact and are weaved throughout a strategic and tactical situation if we are to (1) avoid conflict, (2) de-escalate conflict where it has already manifested itself and (3) succeed in implementing our adaptive strategy to resolve it.