Thought I saved the pictures I found when they were leaked last year, but there were screenshots of texts from the Hunter laptop from Hell where people had messaged thinking it was Joe Biden's phone. Did anyone else remember seeing these text screenshots? My guess is that Joe probably thought the phone would be better protected and less easy to hack than whatever Hunter could get. Oops!
Never quite understood why Hunter would take so many screenshots of incriminating texts and emails, or have so many phone calls and sexcapades recorded. Either he was absolutely retared, baked out of his mind, OR perhaps somebody had remote access to his devices, mirroring the content to copy?
I don't recall those specific ones, but since most of the laptop got leaked online I believe, there's a lot out there.
I do not know the source form of the screenshots in question, but there may be a logical explanation outside of just assuming Hunter screenshotted all that. Say you found a laptop that backed up the phone when it was plugged in. Easiest thing to do to play with that data is either use a cell phone emulator, or get a cell phone that will allow you to restore the backup to that phone.
So they may not be technical saved screenshots found on hunter's phone, but rather someone probing through the texts on a dummy phone/emulator app that then takes screenshots. I recall some text filenames being like "Screenshot 2020-10-31" on one of the releases, which was after the laptop had already made some rounds.
There's a Q post also:
Indeed. This is what I've thought was the most likely case. Somebody gets ahold of the phone and can dig into the files history (even "deleted" content) and then takes screenshots and copies. From what I could tell, most of the content on the laptop were screenshots... all the iPhone photos from Hunter's sexcapades and drug usage were screenshots. It's highly probable that his devices had been compromised (by whom?) and everything that ended up on "his" laptop was being used for blackmail