If the President’s son is indicted, and child porn is found on his laptop, which was originally in possession of Chinese officials - this means the President is severely compromised and has been acting in the interest of a foreign entity...
That’s treason...
That’s a reason to grab your Constitution...
As you were, frens. 🐸🐸🐸...
Correct but that is not all. I believe the laptop blows the lid off the whole "Ukraine is a child trafficking hub" and Finger Lakes evidence and Hunter profiting from it, plus connecting the dots for every other cabal corruption --Bribery, blackmail, Big Pharma and labs and pandemic profiteering by our own country/Gates, Fauci. HB made money off of every angle there is. The Bidens and others sold us out to China. Finger gonna point to Kerry, Brennan, U1 and Hillary. Tied in will be Haiti iridium mines and Haitian trafficking. Glory be.... And the Pelosi fam is in deep shit as well. This is my wish list.