I watch Lynette Zang https://youtu.be/y_5FE_7-Gik and occasionally Arcadia Economics. They have some pretty knowledgeable interviews from some pretty cluey people. I think it was Robert Kyosaki only recently that said silver could reach bitcoin heights because of its many properties while bitcoin is not really backed by anything tangible. That’s not saying other crypto isn’t and more is being backed by PMs every year, but silver is NEEDED in IT, medical, solar, any dozens of other applications. If you go to the US DEBT CLOCK - Minerals, it will tell you what silver and gold should really be TODAY. https://usdebtclock.org/gold-precious-metals.html
I watch Lynette Zang https://youtu.be/y_5FE_7-Gik and occasionally Arcadia Economics. They have some pretty knowledgeable interviews from some pretty cluey people. I think it was Robert Kyosaki only recently that said silver could reach bitcoin heights because of its many properties while bitcoin is not really backed by anything tangible. That’s not saying other crypto isn’t and more is being backed by PMs every year, but silver is NEEDED in IT, medical, solar, any dozens of other applications. If you go to the US DEBT CLOCK - Minerals, it will tell you what silver and gold should really be TODAY. https://usdebtclock.org/gold-precious-metals.html
Thanks fren!
You’re most welcome.