Do we realize how often any remnant of knowledge was erased in the past?
Remember Atlantis? Their knowledge was coveted by those that escaped and horded away from the public for millennia.
Even now we look at a system people think is permanent that requires literal electricity to remain. Carrington Events happen readily every 200 years or so. The last time one did even stationary lines burned off the poles.
We can’t assume knowledge lives on. Namely because the victor perpetually seeks to dumb down the peasants. Specifically at the forefront of the restoration of NeoFeudalism of the NWO where we get to own nothing and property rights themselves are being removed - I can’t think for a second that would even be remotely allowed.
A boot to the face forever.
They are the Morlocks feasting.
They want our childrens children to be the Eloi that happily consume fruit and become fatted cattle for them to eat.
I don’t think we are factoring what is planned.
Do we realize how often any remnant of knowledge was erased in the past?
Remember Atlantis? Their knowledge was coveted by those that escaped and horded away from the public for millennia.
Even now we look at a system people think is permanent that requires literal electricity to remain. Carrington Events happen readily every 200 years or so. The last time one did even stationary lines burned off the poles.
We can’t assume knowledge lives on. Namely because the victor perpetually seeks to dumb down the peasants. Specifically at the forefront of the restoration of NeoFeudalism of the NWO where we get to own nothing and property rights themselves are being removed - I can’t think for a second that would even be remotely allowed.
A boot to the face forever.
They are the Morlocks feasting.
They want our childrens children to be the Eloi that happily consume fruit and become fatted cattle for them to eat.