I really believe that we should start preparing together to somehow take these globalists down. I would love for all the Q stuff to be true, but what do we do if it isn't? We need to have a plan B and we need to start preparing as soon as possible.
Clear any debt, withdraw any surplus cash and stock up with enough food and water for at least a few weeks. The attempted bank reset needs us locked out.
I am preparing individually, I think most people here are.
I was more talking about the thing that what do we do if the Q plan for some reason doesn't work out/ isn't real? We can survive by ourselves for a bit but I don't think long term that it's a good strategy.
I really believe that we should start organizing all together to take the cabal down ourselves. Exposing the MSM would be a great start and if we organize really well to do a massive takedown of it we will have a chance to stop them.
But if Q told us the blackout was nessessary, then who's side are they on?
I really believe that we should start preparing together to somehow take these globalists down. I would love for all the Q stuff to be true, but what do we do if it isn't? We need to have a plan B and we need to start preparing as soon as possible.
Clear any debt, withdraw any surplus cash and stock up with enough food and water for at least a few weeks. The attempted bank reset needs us locked out.
Prepare individually.
Find patriots near you locally.
Make a plan. A hub.
I am preparing individually, I think most people here are.
I was more talking about the thing that what do we do if the Q plan for some reason doesn't work out/ isn't real? We can survive by ourselves for a bit but I don't think long term that it's a good strategy.
I really believe that we should start organizing all together to take the cabal down ourselves. Exposing the MSM would be a great start and if we organize really well to do a massive takedown of it we will have a chance to stop them.
It would result in a bitter world wide revolutionary conventional style war and many lives would be lost
we're not about insurrection here.