Texas has been kept good by good ol’ Texans. Spoiled Californians coming down here bragging about the house they sold in CA and what they can buy so easily vs the born and raised Texan who has kept Texas, Texas is exactly what Texas doesn’t need.
Comin’ to Texas? Study what it means to have a Texas heart. Stay in Cali if you’re bringing Cali-mind with you.
And “Lord knows I’ll have the time.” - Does He?
Side note on GME- it’s a movement of the people to stand up against the elite. Just another arm to fight against the corruption. When united, we are strong.
Motherfucker we were the land of Reagan before the globalists hit our coast line. Y'all wouldn't have last half as long as the full on assault we've faced here. You're lucky us conservative refugees are crossing in to bolster your numbers. Look at the filfth you all have raised in cities like Austin. Fuckin shameful.
Trust, we're the same breed. California is deep red basically every place outside of SF and LA proper. Always has been. You could learn from our voter fraud experience and turn coat republican state legislature to hopefully stop the same from happening in your backyard. States like Texas and Florida are where we all need to hold the line. And if you see anyone pull up on your curb in a Prius in Cali plates blast their black head off, it won't be me.
Hedgies have lost tens of billions in the mean time.
That’s the best part. And it woke a whole new generation who bought physical silver.
GME has played a major roll in all of this.
I remember the logo and at the time I said mmmmmm. The hair. The red tie. The suit. Could it be a genius taking out the hedgies??
Same here started at 44.00 averaged up to 180 now back to 140. 110 shares with computershare and 150 with broker.
Picked up 20 last Friday morning.
Hegies are fuked.
Wall street bets? Wow you have no clue about GME.
But you are clearly too arrogant to learn...so good luck with those huge amounts
150k??...chuckles. Someone want to tell him?
Pride comes before the fall. Keep that in mind.
Texas has been kept good by good ol’ Texans. Spoiled Californians coming down here bragging about the house they sold in CA and what they can buy so easily vs the born and raised Texan who has kept Texas, Texas is exactly what Texas doesn’t need.
Comin’ to Texas? Study what it means to have a Texas heart. Stay in Cali if you’re bringing Cali-mind with you.
And “Lord knows I’ll have the time.” - Does He?
Side note on GME- it’s a movement of the people to stand up against the elite. Just another arm to fight against the corruption. When united, we are strong.
Motherfucker we were the land of Reagan before the globalists hit our coast line. Y'all wouldn't have last half as long as the full on assault we've faced here. You're lucky us conservative refugees are crossing in to bolster your numbers. Look at the filfth you all have raised in cities like Austin. Fuckin shameful.
Trust, we're the same breed. California is deep red basically every place outside of SF and LA proper. Always has been. You could learn from our voter fraud experience and turn coat republican state legislature to hopefully stop the same from happening in your backyard. States like Texas and Florida are where we all need to hold the line. And if you see anyone pull up on your curb in a Prius in Cali plates blast their black head off, it won't be me.