Torn From Her Arms is a new Lifetime movie, which is based on true events. With this film, viewers will get to learn about some of the truths that took place during the ongoing crisis at the U.S. border.
Torn From Her Arms will revolve around the heartbreaking story of a mother and daughter who get detained while crossing the U.S. border. Sadly, the authorities separate the two.
The movie follows Cindy Madrid (Fátima Molina) and her six-year-old daughter, Ximena (Camila Nuñez), who fled violence in El Salvador for safety in the U.S., only to be separated at the border as a part of the Administration’s Zero Tolerance Policy. Detained in detention centers in different states, Cindy and Ximena endured inhumane living conditions and inadequate medical care, but that was nothing compared to the emotional toll of being apart.
Hmm… I saw another version of that movie where the mom and daughter instead of breaking the law and crossing illegally, they apply and come into the country when their turn comes up. They choose not to cut the line and are not separated at the border and live happily ever after.
How easily the sheep fall for propaganda..
Sounds like an episode from a show I USED TO WATCH. The show was really good and then had a change of writers and became extremely woke.
First a beloved male character suddenly was declared to be gay. And then, a really good, strong attractive female character who embodied the best of being a woman and a mother, decides she wanted to leave the show.
They replace her character with an overweight, butch, man-clothes-wearing Lesbian with a capital L. She even had a man's super short haircut and a watch in her pocket. Her character became a parody and really was just unnecessary virtue signalling. I still watched, but grumbled as I did so.
Then, they start an episode where a woman and her child are crossing illegally at the southern border wandering alone and unprotected in the dark in the desert. (Right.)
Border patrol finds them and picks them up. The woman says to the daughter - Don't worry! They will help us! BP separates them and the child begins wailing and the woman was saying, No! Why are you doing this? I was told you'd help me!
That was the last straw. I shut the TV off and vowed never to watch that show again, and I haven't. (Of course this was during the DJT presidency...)