posted ago by Oldschooltexan ago by Oldschooltexan +109 / -0

Dr. Appt with Pulmonologist today (I use a CPAP machine) - conversation with Dr:

Dr: "I see you don't have the COVID Vaccine, given your medical condition(s), I STRONGLY recommend you take the Vaccine..."

Me: "I've had COVID, why would I take a Vaccine that is proven to be ineffective & has side effects for something that I've built an immunity to?"

Dr: "I've seen 100's of people die due to COVID - your medical conditions indicate that you...."

Me: "I have an Identical Twin brother who took the Covid Vaccine and his life expectancy has lessened as a result (true story), absent any additional information, the COVID vaccine is a 'bad bet' for me."

Dr: "Have you taken the Flu Vaccine? - you should consider doing so, considering...."

Me: "Why? Last year, according to the CDC, there were no Flu deaths, why would I take a vaccine for something that led to zero deaths last year?"

<Check Mate> - For a minute, that felt good... I'm not thinking I will have a long-term relationship with this Dr...