Jack Maxey Interview and Update - See context for... context - Doomers be warned
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If you knew anything about Q, then you would know the Anon before Q was US Senate Anon, and that before they vanished, this was one of their main directives shared:
Q would know that everything shared about Racine since long before they began posting is The Truth. Q also knows that Paul Ryan did not leave public office to spend more time with his family as reported.
Have you spent any significant time researching what has been shared about Racine?
No one can disprove or “debunk” a single point made in thousands of comments over several years.
If you’ve been on the train awhile, you should know that slavery didn’t end in Racine with Joshua Glover, the Underground Railroad and the formation of the GOP in Wisconsin. It evolved. Their real agenda is complete, global, eternal enslavement with the Mark of the Beast. Do you remember reading about the first company in America implementing the chip implants for their employees so they could be tracked and use it for access and purchases? They were in Wisconsin. Racine is the smallest smart city model, where Foxconn Industrial Internet based in the CCP model community of Shenzhen, China built the 8th Wonder of the World. It is also the model for Community Policing.
Is your heart in the right place?
Again..this just proves what I’m saying about ambition