I called; one of my senators (Rubio's) voice mail was full and I was greeted with a loud shrill; however I was able to leave a message on Rick Scott's line. Honestly, at this point there's no such thing as overkill, so I'll e-mail also. Thanks and I share your disgust.
O.k. I called both of the senators for my state and told them my opinion. Hopefully many people will call.
I tried 7 of Cornyn phone numbers. None worked. Sent some damn web text to his highness.
they're such cowards ....
Should we call or email? Just curious bc as a WOMAN and a MOTHER, Im appalled by what Ive seen this SCOTUS nominee say
What do you all think, is calling or emailing better
I called; one of my senators (Rubio's) voice mail was full and I was greeted with a loud shrill; however I was able to leave a message on Rick Scott's line. Honestly, at this point there's no such thing as overkill, so I'll e-mail also. Thanks and I share your disgust.
They do not care what you think.
They do as are told.
Anyone who trusts people like Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz and Chuck Grassley is only fooling themselves.
They are the most corrupt of all, because they pretend to be the least.