The lead up to this decision has some real magic, and I wanted to share:
I put up a fuss regarding the Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor's decision to implement testing for those with (Religious or Medical) exemptions and those considered "not fully" vaccinated. They began testing end of February, 2022. I never took part.
I won't go into detail about the who or what, but suffice to say I spoke with the appropriate parties and over the course of several weeks spoke to legal representatives about how this was inappropriate and unsustainable (and so many other things, all of which equal illegal!)
Out of the blue, while waiting for a formal opinion from these legal representatives, I get the email: NSHE has dropped the testing mandate effective March 25th!
I have no idea if my actions helped this decision come to pass, but the timing is excellent...
Frens, I've been fighting this since October, 2021. This is such a HUGE WIN and I wanted to share with you -- much of my actions were made after much consideration and advice from you. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.