Before I start, I am going to say straight from the get-go that this post is not for anyone who believes the mainstream narrative of 9/11, or even for those who would dismiss the similarity between the Falling Man and the Hanged Man of Tarot as coincidence. I cannot stress enough that nothing, not one thing, about 9/11 was a coincidence. Without going too deep into the symbolism, I will use a few sentences to try to show you that 9/11 was indeed a highly symbolic, religious and occult ritual.
The two towers represented Boaz and Jachin the two pillars of Solomon's temple which were brought town when the temple was destroyed. If you think this is a tenuous comparison, please remember that WTC7 was literally called the Solomon coincidences. The Tarot also has cards for the destruction of the "Tower" in homage to the Tower of Babel, as well as direct references to Boaz and Jachin. The cards are also known as Trumps, and of course Trump was also a key figure in the media in the hours and days surrounding 9/11. The "hero dog of 9/11" was called Sirius, a reference to the morning star of ancient Egypt who's heliacal rising symbolized the new year. Now recognize that 9/11 is the first day of the year in the ancient Coptic Calendar, and so 9/11/2001 literally represented the first day of the first year of the "New Age". There is a lot more symbolism I could go into, including the flight #s themselves, the # of floors of the buildings, and the times of the explosions, but I'll save that for another time as I want to get to the main point. Most people today, and it is indeed hard to come to any other conclusion, who are aware of this symbolism are of the opinion that 9/11 was an occult ritual to bring in the Dark New Age. It is hard to deny, after all, that the results of 9/11 have been nothing short of abominable. From the Patriot act, to the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lybia, 9/11 seems as though it is a purely evil act, which set up the pretext for the surveillance state and the war on terror (also known occultly as the War on Terra or earth).
In spite of all of this evil, there is one measly picture which gives me the strangest hope that 9/11 may yet be used to bring about world-wide enlightenment. That picture is the Falling Man.
Some might want to argue that this is merely a devastating picture, and any semblance to the Hanged Man of Tarot is a coincidence. I strongly disagree. Many other parts of the event show direct correlation the many of the 22 major Trumps, and the symbolic meaning of the Hanged Man should interest anyone who wants to know what the ultimate purpose of 9/11 really is.
While a discussion of the meaning of the Hanged Man could go on for pages, I will try to keep it short. The Hanged Man is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good. Though he is suspended upside-down, he is serene in his facial expression, suggesting that he is in this hanging position by his own choice. It is about the descent of the spiritual into the material world, and how seeing things from an "upside-down" or new point of view is necessary to achieve enlightenment. Now look at the Falling Man. Not only does he exactly mirror the posture of the Hanged Man, but the framing of the picture is incredibly interesting. The picture is EXACTLY split down the middle, with the left half (or path of severity in Kabballah) being shrouded in darkness, while the right half (or path of mercy) is bathed in light. The Falling Man from his position is staring to the left, seeing nothing but darkness, which represents the evil fallout that we have seen come from 9/11 so far. How could anything good come from such a heinous act? Interestingly, the Falling Man, though he sees nothing but darkness, it actually falling on the Light half of the picture. Could this represent the truth that he (we) have not seen yet, and the actual ultimate purpose of 9/11.
Imagine for one moment, just a moment, that there are secret societies of good as well as those of evil. Imagine that they watched as their evil brothers spent a century perfecting mind-control and brainwashing techniques, corrupting the education system, and creating a world of slaves who think they are free. Imagine that, just as the Matrix suggested, these innocent people were "so enslaved, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they would fight to protect it." In such a deeply perverted and fallen world, how could a small group of people ever hope to free mankind from their mental, financial, and physical slavery. As we've seen with Coronavirus (which interestingly corona = Kether or the highest sephirot of the tree of light, which stands for ultimate enlightenment) , while a small but growing group of civilians is indeed waking up and fighting for freedom, and ungodly amount of people will defend their governments (govern-ment = control the mind), even as they are being enslaved.
What if the only hope to wake up Humanity in a guaranteed manner was to plan a crime against humanity so heinous, that if uncovered it would completely terminate in a single moment any faith people had their government. What if this plan allowed the Patriot Act to occur, so the surveillance system that was set up could be used to implicate the criminals, who for centuries had controlled humanity from behind the curtain without leaving any evidence. What if the new computer age was what we needed to get these criminals to implicate themselves via the information (pure light) they shared between each other on these new devices.
What if there was no other way? What if to ascend, we first had to fall. Dark to light.
It's fun to think that maybe Jeb allowed himself to play the fool to secretly help Trump fix the country. But as you point out, it doesn't seem plausible. Thanks for the reminders.