I’ll take a crack at this one. There will be downvotes and even mention of conspiracy theorist, but try this explanation on for size;
Before we begin pondering how the Egyptians supposedly built the pyramids let’s take a broader look at pyramids. Pyramid conspiracy theorists have identified at least 180 known pyramids scattered across this planet, yet believe there are many more that have yet to be unearthed. I visited the pyramids at Teotihicaun (near Mexico City) about 10 years ago - how many of you even know that these are there? The 3 pyramids there are laid out in the same design (Orion’s belt) and size relative to one another as the ones at Giza. The largest at Teotihicaun measures nearly the same base size (750’) as the largest at Giza but is only 215’ tall vs the 400+ height in Egypt. Still GIGANTIC by anyone’s standards. When I was there, there were pictures of the original archeologists unearthing the first steps and lower wall in the early 1900’s. Behind them in the images was simply a giant tree covered mountain. So these pyramids near Mexico City remained hidden from the public for thousands of years and just only emerged some 100 years ago. Pyramid fanatics using google earth have identified similar topographical anomalies in both Russia and China that they are certain could very well be (3) pyramids also in the orientation of Orion’s Belt. Given the fact that we have only recently discovered those at Teotihicaun makes this theory very plausible. But for now let’s just focus on the pyramids at Giza and Teotihicaun.
Stop thinking about ‘how’ they were built and let’s try to consider ‘why’ they were built and by whom. Who was coordinating these architectural feats on multiple continents, oceans apart when both communications and travel should have been extremely primitive? Why hasn’t anyone in the media ever asked these questions and why is it that 95% of people don’t know about Teotihucaun? The answer is because they don’t want you asking these questions and coming to the most likely conclusion to which we are about to discuss. If you study not only the pyramids, but also other magnificent archaeological sites including Puma Punku, Sacsayhuaman, the Al Naasla rock etc you will find many other feats that we couldn’t replicate nor explain the methods used with the current technology we have available to us today. Your only conclusion can be that more advanced life forms were here before us, or with us, at some point in history.
As I see it, you have 2 plausible explanations for these, and both require a ‘stretch’ of common knowledge and understanding to accept. A perfect analogy for this is Creationism/Darwinism - neither can be proven and both require an exploration of the mind, and a giant leap of faith to accept. Either God and the Bible are real or there was nothing and then there was an explosion leading to microorganisms evolving into advanced beings. Regarding the pyramids we are left to ponder whether primitive humans were able to perform these feats or if some advanced aliens visited here long ago and intervened. Aliens? From all I had seen this was the only plausible explanation I could come up with to satisfy the ‘how’ these megalithic structures were built. But how does this comport with the Bible, the best archive of ancient history and what implications does this have on the voracity of the word of God?
Up until that point I had studied many things but I had yet to really dig into the Bible. I’m Genesis 6 it describes that the ‘sons of God’ found the ‘daughters of men’ desirable and took as wives those of whom they chose - and they had children with them. Those children were the heroes of old - the men of reknown. The Bible does not discuss this any further but the immediate following passages go into Noah and the flood. Non-canonized text (1st book of Enoch) discusses this time period at great length and details 200 angels that rebelled and fell to Earth and cohabitated
with human women and had children with them. The Bible does refer to Nephilim being on the Earth in these times. The Hebrew translation of ‘nephil’ means TO FALL. Enoch says that these angels taught men all things that God had not intended for them to know including sorcery, witchcraft, metalworking, war, and even astronomy and the workings of all things. Did you ever wonder how the Mayans had all of the planets of our solar system mapped out on clay tablets thousands of years before man invented more and more powerful telescopes and actually found them? Somebody who knew had taught them.
So, due to the evils these fallen angels were performing on Earth, God brought the flood to cleanse the Earth of them. Upon their death their spirits were imprisoned somewhere, some call it Tartarus others call it the Gloomy Dungeon. The best evidence of this is 1 Peter 3:19 which describes the very moment that Jesus died on the cross and the first thing he immediately did;
“After being made alive in spirit, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits - to those who were disobedient long ago while God waited patiently for Noah to build the ark.”
So as you can see there were surely 200 advanced beings, or aliens if you will, that were present here on Earth and could be responsible for the coordination and building of these pyramids. But why pyramids and what is the significance? I think the answer to that can be found in Revelations 21:1-27. Here is where the apostle John, from Patamos, is with an angel that is showing him a vision of things to come. Here, he describes the bride of the lamb, the new heaven coming down from the sky
and the clouds. He goes through great detail, but most importantly says that the angel with him had a measuring staff of gold and measures the city. It is described as being 12,000 stadia (1308 miles) wide, and as long and high as it was wide. Did you catch it? Typically we envision a city as flat, or 2-dimensional in nature and give a city ‘square miles’ to describe its size. Here John has described a 3-dimensional object with equal LxWxH that is most likely a pyramid (OK could be cube). I’m going to assert that this new heaven is most certainly a pyramid which could definitely give reason for why the fallen angels were so obsessed with this design; they were trying to recreate the heaven from which they had come from here on Earth.
I’ll take a crack at this one. There will be downvotes and even mention of conspiracy theorist, but try this explanation on for size;
Before we begin pondering how the Egyptians supposedly built the pyramids let’s take a broader look at pyramids. Pyramid conspiracy theorists have identified at least 180 known pyramids scattered across this planet, yet believe there are many more that have yet to be unearthed. I visited the pyramids at Teotihicaun (near Mexico City) about 10 years ago - how many of you even know that these are there? The 3 pyramids there are laid out in the same design (Orion’s belt) and size relative to one another as the ones at Giza. The largest at Teotihicaun measures nearly the same base size (750’) as the largest at Giza but is only 215’ tall vs the 400+ height in Egypt. Still GIGANTIC by anyone’s standards. When I was there, there were pictures of the original archeologists unearthing the first steps and lower wall in the early 1900’s. Behind them in the images was simply a giant tree covered mountain. So these pyramids near Mexico City remained hidden from the public for thousands of years and just only emerged some 100 years ago. Pyramid fanatics using google earth have identified similar topographical anomalies in both Russia and China that they are certain could very well be (3) pyramids also in the orientation of Orion’s Belt. Given the fact that we have only recently discovered those at Teotihicaun makes this theory very plausible. But for now let’s just focus on the pyramids at Giza and Teotihicaun.
Stop thinking about ‘how’ they were built and let’s try to consider ‘why’ they were built and by whom. Who was coordinating these architectural feats on multiple continents, oceans apart when both communications and travel should have been extremely primitive? Why hasn’t anyone in the media ever asked these questions and why is it that 95% of people don’t know about Teotihucaun? The answer is because they don’t want you asking these questions and coming to the most likely conclusion to which we are about to discuss. If you study not only the pyramids, but also other magnificent archaeological sites including Puma Punku, Sacsayhuaman, the Al Naasla rock etc you will find many other feats that we couldn’t replicate nor explain the methods used with the current technology we have available to us today. Your only conclusion can be that more advanced life forms were here before us, or with us, at some point in history.
As I see it, you have 2 plausible explanations for these, and both require a ‘stretch’ of common knowledge and understanding to accept. A perfect analogy for this is Creationism/Darwinism - neither can be proven and both require an exploration of the mind, and a giant leap of faith to accept. Either God and the Bible are real or there was nothing and then there was an explosion leading to microorganisms evolving into advanced beings. Regarding the pyramids we are left to ponder whether primitive humans were able to perform these feats or if some advanced aliens visited here long ago and intervened. Aliens? From all I had seen this was the only plausible explanation I could come up with to satisfy the ‘how’ these megalithic structures were built. But how does this comport with the Bible, the best archive of ancient history and what implications does this have on the voracity of the word of God?
Up until that point I had studied many things but I had yet to really dig into the Bible. I’m Genesis 6 it describes that the ‘sons of God’ found the ‘daughters of men’ desirable and took as wives those of whom they chose - and they had children with them. Those children were the heroes of old - the men of reknown. The Bible does not discuss this any further but the immediate following passages go into Noah and the flood. Non-canonized text (1st book of Enoch) discusses this time period at great length and details 200 angels that rebelled and fell to Earth and cohabitated with human women and had children with them. The Bible does refer to Nephilim being on the Earth in these times. The Hebrew translation of ‘nephil’ means TO FALL. Enoch says that these angels taught men all things that God had not intended for them to know including sorcery, witchcraft, metalworking, war, and even astronomy and the workings of all things. Did you ever wonder how the Mayans had all of the planets of our solar system mapped out on clay tablets thousands of years before man invented more and more powerful telescopes and actually found them? Somebody who knew had taught them.
So, due to the evils these fallen angels were performing on Earth, God brought the flood to cleanse the Earth of them. Upon their death their spirits were imprisoned somewhere, some call it Tartarus others call it the Gloomy Dungeon. The best evidence of this is 1 Peter 3:19 which describes the very moment that Jesus died on the cross and the first thing he immediately did;
“After being made alive in spirit, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits - to those who were disobedient long ago while God waited patiently for Noah to build the ark.”
So as you can see there were surely 200 advanced beings, or aliens if you will, that were present here on Earth and could be responsible for the coordination and building of these pyramids. But why pyramids and what is the significance? I think the answer to that can be found in Revelations 21:1-27. Here is where the apostle John, from Patamos, is with an angel that is showing him a vision of things to come. Here, he describes the bride of the lamb, the new heaven coming down from the sky and the clouds. He goes through great detail, but most importantly says that the angel with him had a measuring staff of gold and measures the city. It is described as being 12,000 stadia (1308 miles) wide, and as long and high as it was wide. Did you catch it? Typically we envision a city as flat, or 2-dimensional in nature and give a city ‘square miles’ to describe its size. Here John has described a 3-dimensional object with equal LxWxH that is most likely a pyramid (OK could be cube). I’m going to assert that this new heaven is most certainly a pyramid which could definitely give reason for why the fallen angels were so obsessed with this design; they were trying to recreate the heaven from which they had come from here on Earth.
Buried comment but I see you. Nice.