So simple and yet so true...
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No...Ukraine is communist. Zalenskyy is their woke leader, smells like Obama. They’re full of ideologies of lgbt, faggot marriage, pedophilia, child trafficking...all the things commies love. On the other hand, these are the very things Nazis loathe. I know this bc I follow both nazis and commies on telegram, gab. Everyone should.
It does matter, and this is a mistaken assumption based on the use of the word "socialist".
The National Socialist German Worker's Party and The Italian Fascist party were both a REACTION to the rapidly encroaching evil of the red COMMUNIST terror across Europe. Germany was their #1 target, long before, and well after the communist bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917 - Karl Marx wrote all about it. Italy was their #2 target. Make no mistake who was in the crosshairs.
Both nations rallied government and business resources to counter and prevent the communist influx and eventual takeover.
Are there better ways to go about resisting a fully infiltrated government and business sector? Maybe. But I'm not so sure. Don't forget, we're talking nearly 100 years ago now.
Effectively, National Socialism and Fascism were MILITARY TAKEOVERS of nations infiltrated with communist sympathizers. Not unlike today in the USA. Didn't Q say the "military is the only way"?
You can bet your bottom dollar there are going to be tens of millions that are going to rail against a military takeover if it happens tomorrow. And suffice it to say, amongst the tens of millions will be the people in charge of academic institutions, media outlets, government agencies, etc. Basically, everywhere that the masses get their "information".
The events of WWII are far more complicated than "these are the bad guys and these are the good guys". 5D chess was going on then, as it is now. And 99% of what you've learned from the western academic and media conglomerates was "written by the winners". And said "winners" are 100% the people and forces running every government in the world, save possibly Russia today. The jury is still out on that one.
The cabal absolutely loves when anybody uses their smear words - "fascist", "Nazi" and "anti-semite". And they love it even better when people assume they're the same as "communism". All are being aggressively and continuously programmed into the minds of the sleeping masses in order to deflect from what's actually been happening for millennia.
G. Edward Griffin talked all about this in the late 1960s, reading straight out of the communist handbooks of the time, encouraging their followers and sympathizers to hurl those 3 smear words as often as possible, as they had been fully propagandized into the minds of the masses as representing "evil". Nothing has changed 50 years later. It all still holds true.
Make no mistake, the "leftist ideologies" in 1920s/1930s Europe all contained words like "democratic", "communist", "labor", "liberal". The "National Socialists" and "Fascist" parties were 100% "nationalist ideologies" and sworn enemies of the "leftists".
Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. I speculate that this had something to do with them throwing out the international banking cabal and issuing their own government-backed currency. Unlike all the leftist ideologies that CLAIM they're fighting for the "workers", but are not, Germany really did have this in mind in the 1930s and by 1938 had created the most flourishing economy in the entire world after being in deep, deep recession only 5 years earlier.
An astonishing feet to say the least! A feet the international banksters did not want catching on and spreading around the world I might add!! This was likely the main reason they "had to go to war" IMHO.
For the record, I'm not a Hitler apologist or acolyte. I'm a truth seeker and like to understand all sides of the story. Hitler made a lot of mistakes and did a lot of stupid things in the end, which I think were a result of the pressure he was under when it finally dawned on him that he was up against an opponent that could not be defeated under any circumstances. But I will say most of what we've been taught about Hitler and Mussolini are bald-faced lies. Most, but not all.
Whoever/Whatever these so-called "Neo Nazis" are is completely and entirely unrelated to Germany in the 1930s/1940s. Considering the Germans never called themselves "nazis", as this was a smear word like "Jap" or "Gook" heavily used by the international press. If these "neo-nazis" are in lock-step with the installed government of Ukraine, we know who they REALLY are, regardless of the label they or we choose to put on them. I can't think of an easier tactic to deflect blame away from the true puppeteers.
Confusion, deception and propaganda are at an all-time high as we bear witness to the impending collapse of this once all-controlling and consuming matrix of lies. The more ridiculous and outlandish it gets (i.e. supreme court confirmation hearings), the more obvious it becomes.
„Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. ...“
National socialism has nothing to do with the socialism nowadays. Under the term "socialism" we know today, the communist, Marxist agenda is being covertly pushed.
“National Socialism is not a political party, as are the political parties of the United States and Europe. National Socialism is an evolutionary nation repair kit, that makes communism and capitalism as outdated as feudalism.” – Mike Walsh – Hitler Uncensored
Hitler explained in an interview he did with George Viereck in the 1920s: “Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”
Fantastic follow-up the_whole_truth. I have read this information in several places, but my understanding of when/where words like "socialist" and "workers" were all shifted to be synonymous with the "Communist Manifesto." It seems to me the change in meaning was accomplished in the early 1920s, but perhaps it was too late for Hitler's cohorts to make a chance to their party name?
The #1 tactic the cabal uses to deceive the masses is indeed the changing of the meaning of words, and/or applying dual-meanings. Emperor Justinian perfected this "art".
Anyway, I appreciate the follow-up as this is one of the primary lacunas in my overall understanding of Post-WWI/Pre-WWII European culture and politics.