posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +21 / -0

Last week, I requested prayer for a verdict that is due tomorrow (the 25th) in a court case against the State of California, in which I requested that the judge put an end to an embezzlement/racketeering scheme that I uncovered, where I am acting as my own attorney.

I also requested prayer for a speech that I was schedule to give on the 22nd to the State agency that I am suing regarding their request to almost double their litigation budget: https://greatawakening.win/p/142BOPpIbw/prayers-needed-for-government-co/


When I tried to make the speech, the agency disconnected me from the webinar and blocked me from getting back on (I was on via telephone, not on video). I was simultaneously watching the live-feed online. There was about a one-minute delay between the live webinar and the online feed. The online feed went down when I was speaking. My guess is that when they publish the video, they will delete me out entirely.

Court Case:

The tentative ruling was issued today. I lost. I am not surprised, but am deeply disappointed.

The judge never brought up the corruption issue.

He threw out all of the evidence I submitted, and thus disregarded all the facts of my case because they weren't supported by evidence.

He stated the legal statutes that I cited are not applicable, but gave no explanation for why the legal codes didn't apply.

Sanctioned me $1,500 for issues that are outside the scope of the pending case.

Something else that is suspicious: my dad died on 02-07-2022. On 02-08-2022, the other side agreed to extend the hearing date so that I could have bereavement time. The court denied the request, and waited until 10 days before my final paperwork was due to tell me! I had set aside the court stuff to deal with my dad's affairs, so this denial basically cost me 3-weeks of time that I desperately needed to do legal research! One of my friends who is a paralegal said in her 20+ years, she's never seen the court deny an extension request that both sides stipulated to.

Prayer Request:

Tomorrow, I have to make Oral Arguments to try to convince the judge to change his ruling. I need a LOT of prayer that I do a good job with the Oral Arguments. Pray that his conscious gets to him about covering up the embezzlement/racketeering scheme. Pray that he amends the ruling to address the embezzlement/racketeering scheme.