I'm with you. Better to ignore. The SC is totally corrupt as it is. The entire SC is an enemy of the American people. The entire SC will need to go and can't be fixed by any change in composition. It doesn't matter who is on it. The patient needs to be given remdesiver and intubed, while we await an oversized body bag for its rotting carcass.
So correct, don't give it attention. It is just theater for uniparty to raise funds off of while distracting us with their continued raping of this country.
I hear you. I think he should be allowed to retire. And really he is the smartest justice on the bench. No question he should have been chief. Racism straight up.
I'm with you. Better to ignore. The SC is totally corrupt as it is. The entire SC is an enemy of the American people. The entire SC will need to go and can't be fixed by any change in composition. It doesn't matter who is on it. The patient needs to be given remdesiver and intubed, while we await an oversized body bag for its rotting carcass.
So correct, don't give it attention. It is just theater for uniparty to raise funds off of while distracting us with their continued raping of this country.
I hear you. I think he should be allowed to retire. And really he is the smartest justice on the bench. No question he should have been chief. Racism straight up.