Just so everyone understands, there were slave-owning Union states: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri. Saint Lincoln only demonized the CSA. Political virtue-signaling bullshit from a political piece of bullshit. Lincoln was cabal.
Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8
You are wrong. Lincoln did not want to free the slaves. He actually wanted to ship them all over to Africa. He only signed the Emancipation Proclamation to punish Southern states. If his point was to free the slaves, he wouldn't have excepted Norfolk, New Orleans, and some other places. Read the Proclamation for yourself. I have yet to talk to a single black person who has read it and knows about the exceptions.
Indeed. The fugitive slave clause is largely overlooked in history lessons. They never ask why Lincoln vowed to protect slavery for all-time, or how he came to the conclusion that an anti-slavery platform would get him re-elected. The devil's in the details.
Well, I heave learned that other leaders before him kidnapped many Indians and shipped them around the world to take their land. I have wondered if my Great Grandmother who was born in Luxembourg but appeared like Souix or Blackfoot was a descendent of one of these.
Yeah, but only after he promised to protect slavery for all-time in his Inaugural Address. The Emancipation Proclamation was Lincoln's "last card" that was played after the Union had lost several major battles in the early stages of the war. His pro-tariff platform evaporated in less than two years after being elected. There is much more to that history lesson than is ever taught in school.
Why do you think they only focus on the Lincoln/Douglass debates? It's because slavery is made the issue while they were in a state that cared about that. I dare anyone to look into Lincoln's other speeches that took place in states that cared more about a railroad being built than slavery. The truth is that we humans tend to generalize about many things, and it causes us to believe a distorted reality that clever historians have put together.
Lincoln was cabal https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8
He fought the South alright, supposedly to change a law. Are laws created/ changed by Congress or on the battlefield? What declaration of freedom?
Other states had slave owners. Just look at federal census records before 1850. You will see columns for numbers of slaves in a number of northern states.
And this is probably why the Underground Railroad ended in Canada, not New York. Had any slaves been caught in Union territory, they would be shipped back to their owners at the expense of the taxpayer. Lincoln made this very clear in his Inaugural Address. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
The main motive for war is found in that same speech. He said "The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere." This is what scared Southerners the most. Now we know why Lincoln gave the order to fire on Fort Sumter to start the war. After all, that fort protected the customs house that collected a large portion of tax revenue for the Union to ultimately distribute unevenly amongst the states. It really does come down to money in the end.
I saved this from a couple years back. Also today where is the bible belt? In the North or the South?
The war between the States / U.S. Civil War / The War of Northern Aggression!
There were two countries involved in that war that held slaves!
The Confederate States of America and the United States of America!
The North held slaves the entire war!
The slave owning states in the North were : Missouri , Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.
The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed all the slaves in territories in rebellion.
That means that when the Confederacy surrendered and the war ended on April 9, 1865. All of the slaves in the South were legely free.
Ironically the slaves in the Northern States would not be freed until the ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865. (That was 7 months and 30 days after the war ended!)
The last country in North America to have slavery was the United States of America!
Slavery was for 4 years under the Confederacy!
Slavery was for 89 years under the United States of America!
The real slave Flag was RED , White, and Blue with 13 red and white stripes!
Real history your grade school teacher never taught!
Same thing. Slavery is slavery. The rest is just geography.
Just so everyone understands, there were slave-owning Union states: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri. Saint Lincoln only demonized the CSA. Political virtue-signaling bullshit from a political piece of bullshit. Lincoln was cabal. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8
I disagree because he fought for and signed their declaration of Freedom and was killed for it.
You are wrong. Lincoln did not want to free the slaves. He actually wanted to ship them all over to Africa. He only signed the Emancipation Proclamation to punish Southern states. If his point was to free the slaves, he wouldn't have excepted Norfolk, New Orleans, and some other places. Read the Proclamation for yourself. I have yet to talk to a single black person who has read it and knows about the exceptions.
That's what should have done.
Indeed. The fugitive slave clause is largely overlooked in history lessons. They never ask why Lincoln vowed to protect slavery for all-time, or how he came to the conclusion that an anti-slavery platform would get him re-elected. The devil's in the details.
Well, I heave learned that other leaders before him kidnapped many Indians and shipped them around the world to take their land. I have wondered if my Great Grandmother who was born in Luxembourg but appeared like Souix or Blackfoot was a descendent of one of these.
Yeah, but only after he promised to protect slavery for all-time in his Inaugural Address. The Emancipation Proclamation was Lincoln's "last card" that was played after the Union had lost several major battles in the early stages of the war. His pro-tariff platform evaporated in less than two years after being elected. There is much more to that history lesson than is ever taught in school.
Why do you think they only focus on the Lincoln/Douglass debates? It's because slavery is made the issue while they were in a state that cared about that. I dare anyone to look into Lincoln's other speeches that took place in states that cared more about a railroad being built than slavery. The truth is that we humans tend to generalize about many things, and it causes us to believe a distorted reality that clever historians have put together.
I have read a few different sources about President Lincoln that weren’t from history books many years ago and I never read this angle.
Lincoln was cabal https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8 He fought the South alright, supposedly to change a law. Are laws created/ changed by Congress or on the battlefield? What declaration of freedom?
Other states had slave owners. Just look at federal census records before 1850. You will see columns for numbers of slaves in a number of northern states.
And this is probably why the Underground Railroad ended in Canada, not New York. Had any slaves been caught in Union territory, they would be shipped back to their owners at the expense of the taxpayer. Lincoln made this very clear in his Inaugural Address. "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
The main motive for war is found in that same speech. He said "The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere." This is what scared Southerners the most. Now we know why Lincoln gave the order to fire on Fort Sumter to start the war. After all, that fort protected the customs house that collected a large portion of tax revenue for the Union to ultimately distribute unevenly amongst the states. It really does come down to money in the end.
I saved this from a couple years back. Also today where is the bible belt? In the North or the South?
The war between the States / U.S. Civil War / The War of Northern Aggression! There were two countries involved in that war that held slaves! The Confederate States of America and the United States of America! The North held slaves the entire war! The slave owning states in the North were : Missouri , Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed all the slaves in territories in rebellion. That means that when the Confederacy surrendered and the war ended on April 9, 1865. All of the slaves in the South were legely free. Ironically the slaves in the Northern States would not be freed until the ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865. (That was 7 months and 30 days after the war ended!) The last country in North America to have slavery was the United States of America! (NOT THE CONFEDERACY!) Slavery was for 4 years under the Confederacy! Slavery was for 89 years under the United States of America! The real slave Flag was RED , White, and Blue with 13 red and white stripes! Real history your grade school teacher never taught!
Testify! But meh Emancipation Proclamation and stuff!
Have you read some of Lincolns quotes during debates? I mean it was mainstream thought back in mid century 1800's.
I will be glad when the Rothschilds are all off this earth never to return..