I’m open to Q, not convinced either way. I believe Lincoln was cabal. I believe in God, the Father Mighty, Creator of heaven & earth...and in Jesus Christ, His Only Son...I believe in the Holy Ghost...and life everlasting.
Q ain’t GOD You might want to brush up on your Constitution, and actual history. Google some white supremacy Lincoln quotes, see which men he slept in the same bed with for years. Look at the Geneva Convention codes he broke, and if you’re not afraid of the ugly truth, watch this series: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8The only thing worse than ignorance is willful ignorance.
I have two degrees in the field and have taught at the college level. But if you want to trust Google and gobble up bullshit Lost Cause propaganda, by all means have at it bud.
Riddle me this Sherlock... how did Lincoln violate the Geneva Treaty that didn't even exist until 4 years into the rebellion (Geneva Convention only applies in situations of war between belligerent nations, not domestic insurrection) and the US was not a party to? 🤔 The USA didn't sign off on any aspects of the Convention(s) until 1882 under Chester Arthur... how coincidental that it would be under the first US President to significantly ramp up American imperialism outside of the Western Hemisphere.
Why should the USA even care at all about these international treaties from Geneva? Surrender our national sovereignty to subscribe to globalism world government? Why need these international rules of war, unless the plan is to instigate or intervene in war against foreign entities?
Fun fact, Jeff Davis was far more tyrannical and more blatantly violated the rebel constitution and at greater extremes... not that they were a legitimate government to begin with, but alas, I digress...
Lost Cause is verifiable bullshit and you would do well to deprogram yourself from the lies you've been taught.
I’m an open heart surgeon, a high seas pirate, professional MMA fighter with a 14-0 record, and I hold a doctorate in theology. (It’s amazing the accomplishments one can hold in cloak of anonymity!) Son, I’ve known the truth about the War of Northern Aggression and Saint Abe long before goggle was a thought, and likely long before you “taught at the college level”. Funny thing is I do have a good friend who does teach history in NOLA, who forgets more than most ever learn. He’s the biggest Lincoln loather the world has seen. He gets violent while teaching, throwing things bc people like you choose to be ignorant. I never said the US had yet signed up the 1864 (or subsequent) Geneva Conventions; I said Lincoln violated codes meaning his barbarism was known and would be later addressed and codified against. “Burn Marietta to the ground, but leave one building standing so that they may say “this is where Marietta Georgia once stood!”!” Sounds real humanitarian, good ol’ Abe and Sherman and their March to the Sea. How are laws changed, in Congress or by declaring war? Funny, you Abe worshippers never have an answer for that. “But meh slaves! I love me some slaves! Imma gonna punch on the South to change that law but in the meantime imma let 4 union states keep them slaves!” Lincoln was a sodomite, and a tyrant and nothing you say or do will change that fact. Im done with our conversation. You’re willfully ignorant and I’m too busy for your kind. Any comment you make will go ignored, and you’ll just be babbling to yourself.
I’m open to Q, not convinced either way. I believe Lincoln was cabal. I believe in God, the Father Mighty, Creator of heaven & earth...and in Jesus Christ, His Only Son...I believe in the Holy Ghost...and life everlasting.
Might want to refresh your memory as to what Q thinks about Lincoln... the truth.
It's ok to admit you got duped by the neoconfederate Lost Cause bullshit. Everyone makes mistakes.
Q ain’t GOD You might want to brush up on your Constitution, and actual history. Google some white supremacy Lincoln quotes, see which men he slept in the same bed with for years. Look at the Geneva Convention codes he broke, and if you’re not afraid of the ugly truth, watch this series: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VwTJMneBTm8 The only thing worse than ignorance is willful ignorance.
I have two degrees in the field and have taught at the college level. But if you want to trust Google and gobble up bullshit Lost Cause propaganda, by all means have at it bud.
Riddle me this Sherlock... how did Lincoln violate the Geneva Treaty that didn't even exist until 4 years into the rebellion (Geneva Convention only applies in situations of war between belligerent nations, not domestic insurrection) and the US was not a party to? 🤔 The USA didn't sign off on any aspects of the Convention(s) until 1882 under Chester Arthur... how coincidental that it would be under the first US President to significantly ramp up American imperialism outside of the Western Hemisphere.
Why should the USA even care at all about these international treaties from Geneva? Surrender our national sovereignty to subscribe to globalism world government? Why need these international rules of war, unless the plan is to instigate or intervene in war against foreign entities?
Fun fact, Jeff Davis was far more tyrannical and more blatantly violated the rebel constitution and at greater extremes... not that they were a legitimate government to begin with, but alas, I digress...
Lost Cause is verifiable bullshit and you would do well to deprogram yourself from the lies you've been taught.
I’m an open heart surgeon, a high seas pirate, professional MMA fighter with a 14-0 record, and I hold a doctorate in theology. (It’s amazing the accomplishments one can hold in cloak of anonymity!) Son, I’ve known the truth about the War of Northern Aggression and Saint Abe long before goggle was a thought, and likely long before you “taught at the college level”. Funny thing is I do have a good friend who does teach history in NOLA, who forgets more than most ever learn. He’s the biggest Lincoln loather the world has seen. He gets violent while teaching, throwing things bc people like you choose to be ignorant. I never said the US had yet signed up the 1864 (or subsequent) Geneva Conventions; I said Lincoln violated codes meaning his barbarism was known and would be later addressed and codified against. “Burn Marietta to the ground, but leave one building standing so that they may say “this is where Marietta Georgia once stood!”!” Sounds real humanitarian, good ol’ Abe and Sherman and their March to the Sea. How are laws changed, in Congress or by declaring war? Funny, you Abe worshippers never have an answer for that. “But meh slaves! I love me some slaves! Imma gonna punch on the South to change that law but in the meantime imma let 4 union states keep them slaves!” Lincoln was a sodomite, and a tyrant and nothing you say or do will change that fact. Im done with our conversation. You’re willfully ignorant and I’m too busy for your kind. Any comment you make will go ignored, and you’ll just be babbling to yourself.