And guess where he got the info from? Elon Musk. He reports that human blood is more in demand than corn and soy. It is being reported that YOUNG students are lining up in Silicon Valley to donate blood in an answer to advertisements. The elite are paying $8,000 for a blood transfusion taken from a YOUNG person. This is now mainstream. Wait till they hear about the babies and little children.
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against CHILDREN UNITE all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
I really do not understand the blind trust in these two guys. They say the right things for five minutes and people wet their pants about them. Elon's parents are both highly suspect, the mother has a billion pictures of her doing one-eyed symbolism, and the father has questionable actions with younger females, as well as the emerald mine. Also his former wife looks to be connected to the witchy underworld herself. And Elon isn't the genius entrepreneur people make him out to be.
Brand was Katy Perry's handler, there is plenty of red carpet video out there showing this. That girl has admitted several times in interviews that she has sold her soul. So much of her music is laced with dark symbolism and one eyed representation.
they thought you would follow the stars
I guess it comes down to whether or not you believe people can change. Or...wake up.
Every one of us here at one time did not know what we know now in terms of waking up. It's just a matter of what degree we started out from.
Are they playing both sides for selfish reasons? Are they faking it? I really don't know. But I DO know that they are speaking some truths that jibe with ours. And if we discount everyone like that then there is literally no one on the face of the earth to be trusted. I guess we have to stay true to God, accept what good we can find from any source and toss out the garbage.
even the devil can quote scripture.