The following is a channelled message to all awakened members of the global human populace.
Quite so timely, given that we are all discussing messages from the otherworld here today; and also given the fact that the storm is now very much so here, something that I've mentioned multiple times on here over the course of the past few days.
Given the above developments, it must then logically follow that we must now be PREPARED TO HOLD THE LINE as BEST as we quite so possibly CAN, as the shit hits the fan and the fan hits the ceiling that then gets taken off by the storm instead.
Thus, and in addition to my own guidance upon the matter linked herein, this channelled message, in my own humble opinion, very much so does justice to the topic fairly well -- as also does it truly resonate with the energies/feelings of TRUTH, at least for me personally anyways. Finally, for those concerned with the fact that the following message is channelled, write off these messages at your own risk --- I've personally read about the plandemic agenda, vaccinations and oh so much more from channelled messages dating all the way back to 2014, if not even earlier. Others who have followed such messages will guaranteed report similar experiences themselves (although, it must be said here that not ALL channellings are 100% of the TRUTH here either), so do indeed use your own discernment here as always, and also, go get yourself some freshly made popcorn here as well --- for the grand show is indeed, about to get rollin'.
Enjoy the show.
The time of the slow turn of the wheel is finished. Humanity was given the opportunity to move gracefully into self mastery and into understanding the complexity of your global situation (the light and the darkness) in a gentle manner, providing plenty of opportunities to move into mastery, to practice holding your centre, your intuition. That time is now past.
Those who did not avail of the opportunity will now learn a much harder way.
The emotional overload will be significant and ALL awakened beings will by default become first responders. All those who did not take up their opportunities to learn slowly will have to learn and assimilate enormous amounts of shocking information in very short timeframes. Their inner worlds shall resemble the images of hell that you have only seen in paintings heretofore.
They will now therefore rely on you awakened ones for comfort, compassion, kindness and forgiveness of themselves, and for ease from the shock that threatens to completely and utterly overpower them.
Being kind to yourselves must be your very first priority! Put on your own oxygen masks first!
That means ensure your energy is high, that you have enough good will to share, kindness to share.
If you are tired and grumpy, burnt out, angry or frustrated, then the person who needs your loving kindness THE MOST and ON TOP PRIORITY is YOU. First and foremost. Put yourself first, or you WILL BURN OUT too quickly to help absolutely anyone.
Self care has been falsely advertised as "selfish" and "bad". Instead, it is self-ful and good. It is vital and that’s why they don’t want you to prioritise yourself, your care, so that you remain far too tired and weak to assist.
Yet again, we remind you of the importance of balance in a time when it will appear that balance is entirely null and VOID.
Keeping your well being in balanced harmony will model to others that self care is important, even when the world appears to have gone mad. Holding grief, anger and pain in a way that is balanced, where you are compassionate but not boiling over with your own grief, anger and pain will model emotional balance -- it will provide a reassuring comfort for many who feel utterly UNABLE to even as much as CONTAIN THEMSELVES.
The sharp, sudden shock is COMING. Humanity WILL AWAKEN. If you wake up with the alarm clock at 4 am, you get ample time to do everything calmly and peacefully. If you wake up five minutes before you must leave, there is only stress, confusion and anger. The choice has always been there and each being was free to choose their own respective timeline.
J: I don’t mean to be rude, but it does strike me as a tad unfair that those of us who have done the work have to deal with the raw, unprocessed emotions of those who refused to awaken.
A: Did you not train for this moment? Did you not come here for this moment? Do you really think they wouldn't have woken up already if they truly could have? The truth is you were specifically awakened by God for this time, knowing you would care for those injured by the fallout. You awoke because your understanding had reached a sufficient level to en-force a mass awakening; those who rested longer did so because they were unwilling – and therefore unable – to achieve the same. The last thing required from anyone here at this time is blame and shame, or arrogance and PRIDE.
This is a moment for sharing your common humanity.
A moment, for speaking through your hearts to their hearts.
Finally, there was ALWAYS going to be a FALLOUT --- if not fallout type A, then type B or type C without as much as a SHRED OF A doubt. The day of reckoning was ALWAYS going to come; and you awakened ones were ALWAYS going to be on the front lines – for indeed, THAT IS WHY YOU CAME. To be of utter, unconditional, and truly dedicated service in a most brutal war. To create healing and transformation where most others simply could NOT.
This is your moment. This is your moment to let your light shine so brightly, so dazzlingly.
You are ready.
A channelled message by Jennifer Crokaert
Hahahahahahaha. This made me smile. Your way is the only way. Successful conversion achieved! Now let us go shame some good willed motivators because they dont agree with our perception shall we?
It isn't a subjective discussion or open to interpretation. There is only One True and Holy God and He has proven this time and time again to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. You and bill gates think you are the gods and can improve on what has already been perfected, by God. These depraved thoughts always end the same way, every time.
Exactly as I've claimed before. It's a no-go zone that triggers people. They will claim that Satan can appear as an angel of light and be the perfect deceptor yet there is no way this book handed down by man could be corrupted. Bill Gates is my enemy but you toss me in with him because my understanding of existence differs from yours. A good way to lose allies, mate.
But to touch on subjective interpretation, why are there so many denominations, most of whom beleive any other is on a straight ticket to hell? If it isn't subjective and open to interpretation, why are there so many different english translations of the bible? If it isn't subjective and open to interpretation, who made the decision that the books of the Apocrypha were not fit to continue to be a part of the bible? This is the close-minded think that beleives one cannot have a moral compass without their religion. Mate, I do good and help people because I genuinely want to help them. Most do so because they fear their loving creator is gonna cast them in a pit of fire if they dont. Saving their own hide seems kind of a selfish motivation to me. You won't ridicule me into your group think, sir.
I had many of the same questions before I began studying.
yet there is no way this book handed down by man could be corrupted.
Do you agree that the Holy and All Powerful God that created the Earth, Heavens and all that is in it, has enough power to give us His Word of life? Without knowing what is expected of us, how can we be saved? This was the sole mission of the Apostles of Jesus Christ "to go and preach this gospel unto all nations and tongues." They wrote the Bible and passed along the originals of it to scribes that made many copies of it, and the path of these copies can be easily traced to the KJV and other Reformation era translations. This is good start on the subject
Yes, certain Bibles have been corrupted. These are called Alexandrian text Bibles, most of them published after 1900AD. These include the NIV, ESV, NASV, etc.
If it isn't subjective and open to interpretation, who made the decision that the books of the Apocrypha were not fit to continue to be a part of the bible?
The Apocrypha have their place as a historical reference, not a spiritual one. I know this and understand why they weren't included because I read them. The extraneous writings that the catholics added to their Bible are used to justify false doctrine, such as a priest forgiving sins or the worship of idols.
God hasn't added anything into salvation since the beginning, you are to know that He is the Lord. Knowing that He is Lord is having faith in Jesus Christ and admitting that you are a sinner in need of redemption. That's it. How is this oppressing anyone?
What is the evidence that NIV is corrupt? This in-fighting is part of what awoke me to the folly of blind following. Translators of the NIV understood that they were reading something in the king's english and was "king approved". No chance of corruption there. They took a team of people to work against the earliest texts and eliminate the middle man. If I had to choose a side, I'd argue that the NIV is actually a more reliable translation than the king sanctioned one. Many hard-liners are offended at the lack of "thee's and thou's" dialect which wouldd never have been used by Jesus anyway.
I too have read the Apocrypha, which was a part of the texts until around early 1600's. Stories with dragons weren't quite as taboo in an era that didnt have the word dinosaur and the current consensus timelines that accompany it. Not saying i agree with those either. This sort of selective exclusion/inclusion, depending on its scale, leads to even more fanatic things such as Mormanism.