BREAKING: Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’ With Twenty Plus Year Expiration Dates To Allow Holder Access To DoD Databases
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As bad as everything is on HB laptop, imagine what was on Weiner’s laptop.
Besides his wiener?
I would like to say I can't, but unfortunately ran into some SciFy/Fantasy books (back when work required some travel) that were very imaginative, but horrible. I picked them up cheap in a used bookstore (I had no idea), and ended up throwing them in the trash rather than passing them along to someone else. No, I didn't finish them, but I read enough. It was enough to ruin the genre for me. I pretty much stick to history now, unless I reread something for entertainment. I have a feeling some of what people write about is based in reality, and not just "fiction".
Between the cartoon and the narrative description of frazzledrip, I know what the video is. Real or not, shit like that exists.