At some point, we need the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
God will be sovereign, Christ will be king, but under Christ, all men and women will be Kings and Queens and the government will be a servant.
There will be inbuilt curbs on how big government can grow, term limits will be embedded and not subject to legislation. Government will not be allowed to pass laws violating human life, or undermining the natural family, which is God's foundation for human life on Earth. Such a constitution will not permit abortion laws in any description, and government will never again be allowed to take supremacy over the citizens, aka the kings and queens of God's family.
(we already know that Christ's kingship is fundamentally different to the kingship of all kings in the fallen history. Christ as king does not tell us what to do. He is there to protect and uphold the relationship between God and humanity. Also he is the king who sacrifices everything for his people.
Many other features will remain. The US constitution is the pre-kingdom constitution. it is imperfect, which is why it has been subject to amendment and alteration, and therefore can be undermined over time. But the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will be an immutable constitution, and not subject to amendment by men or women.
But the fundamental premise will be, self-governance. The Constitution will be there not to limit what we can do or be, but to limit what government can do or be.
At some point, we need the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
God will be sovereign, Christ will be king, but under Christ, all men and women will be Kings and Queens and the government will be a servant.
There will be inbuilt curbs on how big government can grow, term limits will be embedded and not subject to legislation. Government will not be allowed to pass laws violating human life, or undermining the natural family, which is God's foundation for human life on Earth. Such a constitution will not permit abortion laws in any description, and government will never again be allowed to take supremacy over the citizens, aka the kings and queens of God's family.
(we already know that Christ's kingship is fundamentally different to the kingship of all kings in the fallen history. Christ as king does not tell us what to do. He is there to protect and uphold the relationship between God and humanity. Also he is the king who sacrifices everything for his people.
Many other features will remain. The US constitution is the pre-kingdom constitution. it is imperfect, which is why it has been subject to amendment and alteration, and therefore can be undermined over time. But the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will be an immutable constitution, and not subject to amendment by men or women.
But the fundamental premise will be, self-governance. The Constitution will be there not to limit what we can do or be, but to limit what government can do or be.
When Christ returns brother. All will be made well.
Upon my faith, I believe we are in that process now.