Absolutely, forgot about those. Also, if you're using fresh wood that hasn't had time to decompose you need to add a thick layer of green material like lawn clippings on top and around the wood. As wood decomposes it can tie up nitrogen and keep it from your plants. The grass helps the wood break down faster and spares more of your soil nitrogen for your crops.
Its also not a bad idea to build these in the late summer or fall so they have time to sit and "cook" over winter. After snow melt or spring rains they'll be saturated and ready for planting.
Absolutely, forgot about those. Also, if you're using fresh wood that hasn't had time to decompose you need to add a thick layer of green material like lawn clippings on top and around the wood. As wood decomposes it can tie up nitrogen and keep it from your plants. The grass helps the wood break down faster and spares more of your soil nitrogen for your crops.
Its also not a bad idea to build these in the late summer or fall so they have time to sit and "cook" over winter. After snow melt or spring rains they'll be saturated and ready for planting.