posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin +25 / -3

Matt Gatez has already pointed to this. This is the plan. The elections coming up will be secure📡. Tsunami of redness 🌶🔥🧨🌊 Starlink watermarks Spaceforce! It has all been planned. It was JFK who started the Special ops. He had to counter the CIA. This war was planned with the intention of a third bankruptcy of the US happening in 99 There have been literal geniuses working on this. Remember, they caught them all and we are watching a movie. Have been since 99. They had to let this play out because we have all been so brainwashed it would have caused world wide disaster to just go in and take over all of the governments on the planet. The culprit? AshkaNazis So when the House and the Senate are majority Republican in Nov, they will make Trump speaker. Then they will reveal everything. Then DJT will be Potus publically. Then he will restore the original constitution and all of the secrets will be made known. We will then have free energy and all of our wealth returned. We are a rich people that have been raped and pillaged. Hell Christ might even return and set up his kingdom. But 1 thing you can guarantee is that we have all been lied to for hundreds of years. Satan has been having fun at our expense. Repent. It’s okay to admit when you were wrong. And make sure to put your pride down. Love yall